akshay-kap / Meng-699-Image-Banding-detection

This is the official repository for the Deep Banding Index paper Implementation. I worked on this project as a graduate researcher under Dr. Zhou Wang. The research project resulted is in ICASSP 2021 Conference paper on Banding, CNN, and Data Science for Image Processing.
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banding banding-data dataset deep-learning

DBI (Deep Banding Index)

This is the official Python Tensorflow implementations of our ICASSP 2021 paper "CAPTURING BANDING IN IMAGES: DATABASE CONSTRUCTION AND OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT".

1. Brief Introduction

The Deep Banding Index Paper introduces first of its kind datasetDOI, DOI and an Objective Assesment of Banding quantification in HD images with Deep Banding Index, which aims to capture the annoyance caused to end users (QoE) as they percieve media featuring Banding Artifacts.

1.1 Backgrounds

Banding, colour banding, or false contours is a common visual artifact appearing in images and videos, often in large regions of low textures and slow gradients such as sky. When the granularity of bit-depth or display intensity levels mismatches with the visual system’s perception of the smooth transition of color and luminance presented in the image content,the discontinuity positions in smooth image gradients are transformed into perceivable, wide, discrete bands. Banding significantly deteriorates the perceptual quality-of-experience(QoE) of end users. A visual example is shown in the image below where banding artifacts are clearly visible in the sky.

1.2 Contributions

This work is completed as a research project at University of Waterloo, Under guidance of Dr.Zhou Wang and Jatin Sapra MEng.

1.3 Results

The following results are obtained using the method described in Deep Banding Index Paper

1.4 Citation

Please cite our paper if you find our model or the Banding Patches Dataset, HD Images Dataset with Banded and NonBanded region Information dataset useful.

A. Kapoor, J. Sapra and Z. Wang, "Capturing banding in images: database construction and objective assessment," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Jun. 2021.

2. Dataset

2.1 HD Images Dataset with Banded and NonBanded region Information

2.2 Banding Patches Dataset

3. Prerequisites

3.1 Environment

The code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and on Windows 10 with Python 3.8 and tensorflow 2.1

3.2 Packages

tensorflow-gpu=2.1, statistics, pandas, numpy, python 3.8 and OpenCV

3.3 Pretrained Models

4. Relevant Source Codes

The Source folder contains the source files used for generating semi-automatic labelled dataset, CNN_classifier training files and prediction file which can be used for generating Deep Banding index for any image.

5. Codes for comparing models

refer MATLAB Scripts

6. Demo

Use this folder structure to calculate Deep Banding Index for your images, follow these steps to get Deep Banding Score for HD banded Images: