Open-Source Android and iOS Mobile Application for the LibrePhotos Project
Currently there are no automated build for IOS. You will need to builds the app from source. Follow the instructions in the next section.
You also need to install the dependencies required by React Native: Environment Setup
Once the dependencies are setup, you can run the project as follows:
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
yarn <platform>
# Replace platform with android
or ios
Short term:
Longer term, i.e. haven't thought much about them
Logging to phone's local file system can be enabled/disabled from the Settings page.
Logs are stored in the cache directory of the phone.
For Android: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.librephotosmobile/cache/logs/
You can also quickly send a bug report to the developer by shaking your phone.
Note: Since the app is in early development, logging is enabled by default on clean install.
You can join Librephoto's Discord.
Disclaimer: Currently the project is in very early stages, some bugs may exist. If you find any please log an issue