akshay9 / librephotos-mobile

Mobile Application for self-hosted Librephotos Server
MIT License
39 stars 10 forks source link
android librephotos react react-native

📷 LibrePhotos Mobile

Open-Source Android and iOS Mobile Application for the LibrePhotos Project

🤷‍♂️ What is it?

🚀 Get Started


📱 Android

  1. Download the Latest Build from Releases.
  2. Install the APK

🍎 iOS

Currently there are no automated build for IOS. You will need to builds the app from source. Follow the instructions in the next section.

🔨 Build from Source

You also need to install the dependencies required by React Native: Environment Setup

Once the dependencies are setup, you can run the project as follows:

  1. npm install -g yarn
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn <platform> # Replace platform with android or ios

🌟 Features

Currently implemented (From Librephotos Website):


🪲 Debugging

Enable File Logging

Logging to phone's local file system can be enabled/disabled from the Settings page. Logs are stored in the cache directory of the phone. For Android: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.librephotosmobile/cache/logs/

You can also quickly send a bug report to the developer by shaking your phone.

Note: Since the app is in early development, logging is enabled by default on clean install.

☎️ Communication

You can join Librephoto's Discord.

🤝 Contributions

Disclaimer: Currently the project is in very early stages, some bugs may exist. If you find any please log an issue