This is a Arduino library for controlling DJI tello through ESP32 Module.
This library controls the tello by sending commands via UDP as mentioned in the SDK documenatation in below link
To download , enter "git clone" in the terminal(Mac/linux) or command prompt(Windows) or click the DOWNLOAD ZIP button .
Place the "tello" folder in your arduinosketchfolder/libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library. Restart the IDE.
In your Arduino Playground application go to Sketch > Include Library > choose "tello" from Contributed Libraries section to include this library in your skecth. Go to examples\tello_example.ino for example usage .
1. Create the object
Tello tello
2. Initialise the Object after your device gets the IP address
3 .Once the object is initalised you can use the various fubnctions to send commands to tello.
To take-off:
bool takeoff();
For Tello auto land:
bool land();
Set video stream on:
bool startVideoStream();
Set video stream off:
bool stopVideoStream();
Stop all motors immediately:
bool turnOff();
Tello fly up with distance x cm(min:20cm , max = 500 cm):
bool up(int x);
Tello fly down with distance x cm(min:20cm , max = 500 cm):
bool down(int x);
Tello fly left with distance x cm(min:20cm , max = 500 cm):
bool left(int x);
Tello fly right with distance x cm(min:20cm , max = 500 cm):
bool right(int x);
Tello fly forward with distance x cm(min:20cm , max = 500 cm):
bool forward(int x);
Tello fly back with distance x cm(min:20cm , max = 500 cm):
bool back(int x);
Tello rotate x degree clockwise(min:1, max:3600):
bool rotate_clockwise(int deg);
Tello rotate x degree counter-clockwise (min:1, max:3600):
bool rotate_anticlockwise(int deg);
Ask Tello to flip front:
bool flip_front();
Ask Tello to flip Right:
bool flip_right();
Ask Tello to flip Left:
bool flip_left();
Ask Tello to flip Back:
bool flip_back();
Set speed to x cm/s:
bool setSpeed(int x);
Send RC control via four channels(Yet to be implemented):
bool sendRCcontrol(int x,int y,int z);
Set Wi-Fi with SSID password(Works only with EDU version, so havent tested):
bool changeWifi(string ssid, string password);
@return for all the above commands:
true = if tello sent "ok" response for the command sent.
false = if no response was received from tello, since the transmission is UDP
there might be packet loss and the response might have been lost.
Get Speed:
int getSpeed();
@return: speed value ranges from 1-100
Get Battery level percentage:
int getBattery();
@return: battery percentage 0-100
Get Current Flying time:
int getTime();
@return: time in seconds
Get current flying height:
int getHeight();
@return: height in cms value range 0-3000
Get temperature (°C):
int getTemperature();
@return: value range 0-90
Get barometer value (m):
int getBaro();
@return: value in meters
Replace the 'networkName' and 'networkPswd' with the SSID and password of your drone .