akshitagupta15june / PetMe

PetMe is an all-in-one platform that allows animals to be adopted, donated to pet lovers, and provides emergency medical care to stray animals in need. Star this repo⭐
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I have some ideas to make the website look even cooler and easier to use. #1447

Open AjayAsnani opened 5 months ago

AjayAsnani commented 5 months ago

1)-Fresh Look: Give it a more modern style, like using new fonts and arranging things. ✨

2)-Clear Focus: Make the important parts stand out more, so people can find what they need quickly.

3)-Fun Touches: Add some little animations and surprises to make it more fun to use.

What do you think? I'm open to all ideas, so let's chat about it!

akshitagupta15june commented 5 months ago

can u share some moqups and design like how you will make it more attractive?

YASH-YADAV-dynamo commented 5 months ago

@akshitagupta15june i would love to enhance it's UI what i will do? so if open please assign it to me 1)Text Effects-Will use text scrapping of GSAP to make it much move fascinating. 2)will add a sticky navbar and improve spacing in it to look make better

some mockups of what is tex-scrapping: (same effect was use in homepage of KWOC'23)


and will be open to more innovative and creatives ideas

shivam101203 commented 5 months ago

@akshitagupta15june please assign the issue to me under iwoc 2024

vermaanurag1532 commented 5 months ago

please assign it to me

AjayAsnani commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the late reply @akshitagupta15june.

I want to make changes like giving your website a makeover! Pick new colors and fonts, clean up the clutter, and add cool pictures and videos. Organize everything neatly, make important things pop, and give it some breathing room. Navigation? Easy peasy! Make it fun with tiny animations, show your quirky side, turn it into a game-like animation, and build a community – then watch your website sparkle!

Anamika-Ratna commented 1 month ago

Hi there, kindly assign me this issue, I am willing to work on this under the GSSOC tag. you may check the following link to know the hovering, shadowing or any other affect that I may add once this issue is being assigned https://anamika-ratna.github.io/Drinks-Ordering-Application-/

Nih1tGupta commented 1 month ago

Hi there, kindly assign me this issue, I am willing to work on this under the GSSOC tag. You may check my previous work on these stuff.


Khushi-Kaushik commented 1 month ago

Can you please assign this issue to me