akshitagupta15june / PetMe

PetMe is an all-in-one platform that allows animals to be adopted, donated to pet lovers, and provides emergency medical care to stray animals in need. Star this repo⭐
MIT License
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About the project:

Tech Stack:


"Bringing Hearts and Paws Together"

Don't forget to join our official Discord Channel for discussions and updates.

Inspiration for the Project:

It has been estimated that more than one million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized in the United States each year. This happens for the reason that there are too many pets that are enrolled into shelters and only a few people consider adoption when they look out for a pet.

When our team heard about the animals that were in danger each year, it became a goal for us to help these speechless beings somehow. After brainstorming for a long time we came up with the idea of PetMe. We believe in the policy of saving animals and thus saving lives. Every life matters and we wish to be the part of the change that is making the same possible.

Features of PetMe at a Glance

The test site for the project can be found here.

Function Feature Image
Adopting a Pet Allows user to choose an animal they wish to adopt and submit their details for contact purposes docfix1 docfix2
Donating a Pet Pet owners can donate their pets if they are unable to take care of the ones they have docfix3
Emergency care for Stray Animals Provide contact details to get emergency medical services docfix4
Support PetMe Allows users to become volunteers for PetMe and submit their details for contact purposes docfix5
Pet News PetMe provides users with several stories on the latest news in the pet world docfix6
Blogs PetMe also has a blogs section dedicated to pet lovers and their pet stories docfix7

Watch the video:

For a brief explanation about PetMe, you can watch the following video.

Additional features:

View our Website:

Click the image below to view our website!


We are proud to build a website where pet lovers can easily adopt animals that need a home. They can not only provide medical assistance to them but can also allow their fellow comrades in the community to adopt them.

What's next for PetMe 📲

In future, we plan to scale this application to reach as many people as possible and facilitate adoption and donation of animals.

Furthermore, we plan to connect with the nearest government organization that provides medical assistance to stray animals.

⭐ How to get started with open source?

You can refer to the following articles on the basics of Git and Github.

Contributing 👨‍💻

💥 How to contribute

⭐ How to make a pull request (PR)

1. Start by making a Fork of the PetMe repository. Click on the Fork symbol at the top right corner.

2. Clone your new fork of the repository in the terminal/CLI on your computer with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/PetMe

3. Navigate to the newly created PetMe project directory:

cd PetMe

4. Set upstream command:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/Susmita-Dey/PetMe.git

5. Create a new branch:

git checkout -b YourBranchName

6. Sync your fork or your local repository with the origin repository:

7. Make your changes to the source code.

8. Stage your changes and commit:

⚠️ Make sure not to commit package.json or package-lock.json file

⚠️ Make sure not to run the commands git add . or git add *. Instead, stage your changes for each file/folder

git add public
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"

9. Push your local commits to the remote repository:

git push origin YourBranchName

10. Create a Pull Request!

11. Congratulations! You've made your first contribution to PetMe! 🙌🏼

For more details, refer to CONTRIBUTING.md file.

😎 Project Maintainers

Susmita Dey

Akshita Gupta

Mudit Choudhary

Thanks to all Contributors 💪

Thanks a lot for spending your time and helping PetMe grow. Thanks a lot! Keep rocking 🍻


License 🛡️

PetMe is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
