aktos-io / dcs-tools

Tools for making remote Linux node management easy
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backup btrfs remote-admin-tool


This toolset is intended for administrating remote Linux devices that are directly connected or behind a proxy server (RaspberryPi in mind, but any remote Linux system will work), by simplifying 7 tasks:

  1. make ssh to connect the remote shell (either directly or over a link up server).
  2. Responsively edit remote files via local IDE almost independent from the internet connection speed and interruptions ("Responsive remote development").
  3. Use simple drag and drop style file transfers (by sshfs).
  4. Backup the target's entire root filesystem (by rsync).
  5. Create fast and efficient differential full backups (by hardlinks or by BTRFS snapshots).
  6. Create a separate physical bootable system disk from any of your backups.
  7. Clone the current device with a new identity to create a new device.




Follow these steps for every project:

# on your host (eg. your laptop)
mkdir your-project
cd your-project
git clone --recursive https://github.com/aktos-io/dcs-tools


Assuming you are in /path/to/your-project folder already,

  1. Create your configuration file and mandatory folders/flags:


  2. (Optional): Send your RSA public key to the target in order to prevent asking password on every connection:



Set connection type

either connect to your target by its direct IP address and port:

make conn-direct

or meet with your target on a link up server (see link-with-server)

make conn-over-proxy

See doc/configuration.md for explanations.

Make ssh

make ssh

Makes ssh connection either directly or via the link up server according to your connection type.

Responsive Remote Development

Responsive remote development means keeping a local folder in sync with a remote folder.

  1. cp ./sync-config-example.sh path/to/your/project/folder/my-sync-config.sh
  2. Edit my-sync-config.sh accordingly. See ./sync-with-sgw.sh --help for options.
  3. Send your project folder to your remote system and watch for changes by:

    ./sync-with-sgw.sh -c path/to/your/project/folder/my-sync-config.sh --dry-run

This will keep path/to/your/project/folder/ and $dest_dir (within your config file) in sync. Remove the --dry-run switch for real transfer if the transfer summary is as you expected.

Synchronization will exclude the .git folder and the other files/folders listed in path/to/your/project/folder/.gitignore.

run_before_sync hooks can be used to build, bundle, copy files or perfom any other tasks before the actual synchronization. Synchronization will fail and display a visual error message if any of the hooks fails.

Mount target root

make mount-root

Mounts the root folder to your-project/NODE_ROOT, which you can use for drag-n-drop style file transfers.

You can later unmount with make umount-root without using sudo command.

This feature is only practical with fast (generally on local) connections.

Sync target's root folder

make sync-root

Sync whole root partition of the target with your-project/sync-root folder. You can use this command consecutively to keep your sync-root folder up to date as much as possible. Only differentiating data will be transmitted (if any).

This command will only copy the current state of your target to your host machine. You will need to create your backups manually, with make backup-sync-root command

Create backups

make backup-sync-root

Create a backup from the sync-root folder into ./backups folder either by hardlinks method or by creating a btrfs subvolume, according to your your-project/method-* flag.

method-* flags can be set by make method-btrfs or make method-hardlinks commands.

UDP port forwarding

Taken from https://superuser.com/a/974091/187576

Example connection:

[PLC UDP/9600] <--> [Scada-Gateway (sgw)] <--> [Rendezvous server] <--> [Laptop] <--> [Virtual machine]
  1. Assign the same IP of the PLC to your laptop:

    sudo ip a add dev wlp2s0
  2. In terminal 1 on your laptop:

    laptop$ cd your/project
    laptop$ make ssh ARGS="-L 9602:localhost:9602"
    sgw$ socat -T10 TCP4-LISTEN:9602,fork UDP4:
  3. In terminal 2 on your laptop:

    laptop$ sudo socat UDP4-LISTEN:9600,fork TCP4:localhost:9602
  4. In your virtual machine's network settings -> Bridged adapter -> wlp2s0

Result: Your virtual machine will not detect any difference and will connect the target PLC as if it is connected directly.

Advanced actions:

Following tools are for advanced usage, use them with extreme caution.

Produce bootable disk from a backup

./dcs-tools/produce-bootable-disk [--help]   

Produces a bootable disk that is capable of booting your target hardware.

Restore files from a backup to physical disk

./dcs-tools/restore-from-backup [--help]

Restores all files from backup folder to the SD card. Useful when you want to update your physical backup disk with your latest sync folder.

Give New ID

Make appropriate changes to give new identity to an installation. Useful for creating a new controller/machine based on current installation.

./dcs-tools/give-new-id [--help]

See Also


Backups have following properties:


Move your backups around carefully

If you are not using btrfs, "dead simple copies" feature has a problem by its design: As backups are just plain folders, this may lead breaking (unintentionally changing) the ownership of the files if you move/copy your files carelessly (eg. if you mv your/snapshot to/another/location and then interrupt the command in the middle, you will probably end up with moved files having root:root permissions.) That's why you SHOULD always use rsync for such movements.

If you are using --method btrfs, backups are made as readonly snapshots, so you will not have such problems.

Use correct filesystem

Make sure that you are performing make sync-root command on a native Linux filesystem. You will end up having a backup with wrong file ownership and/or permissions otherwise.