akutkin / frb

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Search Fast Radio Bursts in Radioastron-project archive data


$ git clone https://github.com/akutkin/frb.git

Finding injected pulses in one file

Searching pulses using fitted elliptical gaussians in t-DM place is much faster then using Gradient Boosting Classifier. It is because later needs training sample to be constructed & analyzed. Also it finds best parameters of classifier using grid of their values. All these steps (training of classifier) must be done only once for small portion of data.

Currently, amplitudes of injected pulses in training phase are set by hand. It will be fixed soon by analyzing amplitudes of noise pulses in apriori pulse-free small chunk of data.

Script will create png plots of found candidates in original dynamical spectra & t-DM plane in frb/examples directory and dump data on found candidates and data searched in frb/frb/frb.db SQLite database. It can be easily viewed/queried in Firefox with SQLite Manager addon.

Process experiment

Using docker

There's no need to install any packages except docker itself