alannamun / Locale

Styling a theme for a Ghost blog
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Local Lettering

Adding posts from GitHub


If you’re making more significant development changes than just updating content, you can also run the project locally.

Running the project locally

Clone this project locally by running the following command in your terminal:

# Clone the project into a directory call “”
git clone

# Move into the directory

Running this static site locally will require Node.js v6 installed. There’s usually two options on the site, you want the “Recommended for most users” version. Node.js isn’t used server-side to run the site, and you don’t really need to know much about it to contribute to the site. Rather, Harp is built with Node.js and is used as the static site generator that compiles the site’s Sass, Markdown, metadata, and templates into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Node.js comes with npm, the package manager for JavaScript. Use it to install the project’s dependencies (the other JavaScript libraries and tools listed in the package.json file) by running the following command:

# Install dependencies
npm install

Note The web fonts are not included within this repository because the source is public.

Serving the site

To run the site locally, run the following commands in your terminal:

# Start the project
npm start

# Now available at http://localhost:9000

Compiling the site

You can compile the site to static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at any point using the following command:

npm run build

This will compile the site to a ./www directory using Harp.

You can stop the server with Control+C (you use control even if you’re using OS X).

Compile the project to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

npm run build

Turns the site into static HTML, CSS, & JS, and puts it in the www/ directory.

Deploying the site

The deployment process for publishing the site to is already set up.

Whenever you make a change on GitHub or push to the master (default) branch, Travis CI runs the command that publishes the site to Surge. The best way to update the site is to make a change on GitHub everything else will deployed automatically.

If you are running the project locally, you can also deploy using the following options.

Deploy to staging

Running the following command will automatically compile the site, add a robots.txt file and publish it to the staging domain, so the site can be previewed in the production environment:

npm run stage

Deploy to production manually

Running the following command will automatically compile the site and deploy to the production domain:

npm run deploy

You’ll need an invitation from @kennethormandy to publish the site on Surge. The domain is managed by @alannamun.