alastria / alastriaID-truffle-contracts

Alastria ID truffle Smart Contracts
MIT License
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besu blockchain ethereum smart-contracts solidity truffle

AlastriaID Truffle Contracts

What is does?

Smart Contracts are the key point to work with the Alastria Identity Ecosystem. Without this part the whole ecosystem will not work, so it is very important to be sure that this repository is installed and the Smart Contracts are deployed properly on the blockchain.

Smart Contracts

All contracts which are placed here are the following ones:

1.- IdentityManager

Contract What it does
AlastriaIdentityManager.sol It generates access tokens, creates identities, deploys an AlastriaProxy for each identity and sends transactions through the proxy of the sender
AlastriaProxy.sol It is the Alastria ID itself. Only receives transactions from the IdentityManager and resends them to the target
AlastriaIdentityIssuer.sol It keeps a registry of the issuers identities
AlastriaIdentityServiceProvider.sol It keeps a registry of the service providers identities
AlastriaIdentityEntity.sol It keeps a registry of the entities

2.- Registry

Contract What it does
AlastriaCredentialRegistry.sol It manages all the credentials and keeps the registry and the status
AlastriaPresentationRegistry.sol It manages all the presentations and keeps the registry and the status
AlastriaPublicKeyRegistry.sol It manages all the public keys and keeps the registry

3.- Libs

The previous contracts use some libraries which are:

Contract What it does
Eidas.sol It manages Eidas level of assurance for credentials
Owned.sol It assures that just the account which deployed a contract can update the version

4.- NameService

Contract What it does
AlastriaNameService.sol It creates the first entity to work with the rest of functionalities of Alastria Identity

Deploy Contracts

In this section it will be possible to see how to work with Smart Contracts in different environments which are: Remix, Ganache + Truffle and in a test environment. It will be explained for cases where you want to use your own scripts and in case you want to use the scripts you can find in the package.json file

Own Scripts


To work with remix, first of all you need to have installed remixd in your system, for this, you have to write the following command: npm i -g @remix-project/remixd doing this you have remixd installed. Once is done you have to write the next command to run the daemon pointing to the directory where the smart contracts are: remixd -s /home/ubuntu/Escritorio/temp-alastriaID-truffle-contracts/contracts/ Once it is done the previous step, in your browser you have to type and you have to connect the Remixd plugin

Remixd Plugin

Done this step, you have to verify if in your console appears remix logs like this ones

[WARN] You can only connect to remixd from one of the supported origins.
[WARN] Any application that runs on your computer can potentially read from and write to all files in the directory.
[WARN] Symbolic links are not forwarded to Remix IDE

Wed Jun 02 2021 16:29:18 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00) remixd is listening on
[WARN] You may now only use IDE at to connect to that instance
setup notifications for /home/ubuntu/Escritorio/temp-alastriaID-truffle-contracts/contracts/

As well of you click on the first icon where the smart contracts are, they will appear on this tab. Remix Contracts

Then you can work with the Smart Contracts, deploying firstly AlastriaIdentityManager

Ganache + Truffle

If you want to work with Ganache and truffle. After installing them, you need to have the ganache configured as if you are in the Alastria Network, for this you need to configure the ganache in this way Ganache config

Repository Scripts

This repository has in package.json some scripts which are very useful in case you don't want to loose time installing things, but it is important to have installed docker in your system.

To install all content from package.json, inside the repo, just run npm i , once it is executed you can run the following scripts through npm run command:

As well after running the npm i, a version of truffle is installed. This one is the 5.1.53 and if you are a great Truffle supporter you can work with it to deploy the smart contracts.


In order to run the project in different types of Network, there are some configurations to take into account. There are the following ones:

Once it is know the previous aspects, in the truffle-config file there are some possibilities to deploy the Smart Contracts which are the next ones:

Both accounts are the following ones: