albedo-engine / albedo

Efficient and easy to use rendering framework for real-time visualization based on WebGPU
MIT License
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🌘 Albedo 🌒

Rust framework dedicated to real-time visualization.


🚧 Albedo is a work-in-progress and might be unstable, use it at your own risks 🚧


Albedo isn't and will never be a game engine. It's designed to be a rendering framework made for real-time visualization. It's possible to use as the rendering module for a game, but that's not the use case why it was designed.


GPU Raytracing

The albedo_rtx exposes GPU software Raytracing. You can use this crate to perform Ray-Triangle intersections.

The Albedo Pathtracer application is one example of what you can achieve with the albedo_rtx crate:

Pathtracing Example


The library comes with the albedo_lightmapper_native crate used to generate lightmaps for a mesh.

For now, the lightmapper only generate an ambient occlusion map, but it will soon generate RGB lightmaps.


GPU Picking

While picking is doable using a rasterized G-Buffer of IDs, this example shows how it can be done using the raytracing crate.