albertas / deadcode

Find and fix unused Python code using command line.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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auto-fix code-quality deadcode lithuanian python unused-code

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Find and Fix Unused Python Code

License: AGPLv3 PyPI Downloads


pip install deadcode


To see unused code findings:

deadcode .

To see suggested fixes for all files:

deadcode . --fix --dry

To see suggested fixes only for file:

deadcode . --fix --dry

To fix:

deadcode . --fix

Tune out some of the false positives, e.g.:

deadcode . --exclude=venv,tests --ignore-names=BaseTestCase,*Mixin --ignore-names-in-files=migrations

The same options can be provided in pyproject.toml settings file:

exclude = ["venv", "tests"]
ignore-names = ["BaseTestCase", "*Mixin"]
ignore-names-in-files = ["migrations"]

Command line options

Option                                    Type Meaning
--fix - Automatically remove detected unused code expressions from the code base.
--dry - or list Show changes which would be made in files. Shows changes for provided filenames or shows all changes if no filename is specified.
--exclude list Filenames (or path expressions), which will be completely skipped without being analysed.
--ignore-names list Removes provided list of names from the output. Regexp expressions to match multiple names can also be provided, e.g. *Mixin will match all classes ending with Mixin.
--ignore-names-in-files list Ignores unused names in files, which filenames match provided path expressions.
--ignore-names-if-inherits-from list Ignores names of classes, which inherit from provided class names.
--ignore-names-if-decorated-with list Ignores names of an expression, which is decorated with one of the provided decorator names.
--ignore-bodies-of list Ignores body of an expression if its name matches any of the provided names.
--ignore-bodies-if-decorated-with list Ignores body of an expression if its decorated with one of the provided decorator names.
--ignore-bodies-if-inherits-from list Ignores body of a class if it inherits from any of the provided class names.
--ignore-definitions list Ignores definition (including name and body) if a name of an expression matches any of the provided ones.
--ignore-definitions-if-inherits-from list Ignores definition (including name and body) of a class if it inherits from any of the provided class names.
--ignore-definitions-if-decorated-with list Ignores definition (including name and body) of an expression, which is decorated with any of the provided decorator names.
--no-color - Removes colors from the output.
--count - Provides the count of the detected unused names instead of printing them all out.
--quiet - Does not output anything. Makefile still fails with exit code 1 if unused names are found.

name - variable, function or class name. body - code block which follows after : in function or class definition. definition - whole class or function definition expression including its name and body.


Code Name Message
DC01 unused-variable Variable {name} is never used
DC02 unused-function Function {name} is never used
DC03 unused-class Class {name} is never used
DC04 unused-method Method {name} is never used
DC05 unused-attribute Attribute {name} is never used
DC06 unused-name Name {name} is never used
DC07 unused-import Import {name} is never used
DC08 unused-property Property {name} is never used
DC09 unreachable-if-block Unreachable conditional statement block
DC11 empty-file Empty Python file
DC12 commented-out-code Commented out code
DC13 unreachable-code Code after terminal statement, e.g. return, raise, continue, break
DC ignore-expression Do not show any findings for an expression, which starts on current line (this code can only be used in # noqa: DC comments)

Ignoring checks with noqa comments

Inline # noqa comments can be used to ignore deadcode checks. E.g. unused Foo class wont be detected/fixed because # noqa: DC03 comment is used:

class Foo:  # noqa: DC03



ruff and flake8 - don't have rules for unused global code detection, only for local ones F823, F841, F842. deadcode package tries to add new DCXXX checks for detecting variables/functions/classes/files which are not used in a whole code base.

deadcode - is supposed to be used inline with other static code checkers like ruff.

There is an alternative vulture package.

Known limitations

In case there are several definitions using the same name - they all wont be reported if at least one usage of that name is being detected.

Files with syntax errors will be ignored, because deadcode uses ast to build abstract syntax tree for name usage detection.

It is assumed that deadcode will be run using the same or higher Python version as the code base is implemented in.

Feature requests

Release notes