albertus-andito / fake-news-detection

Code repository for my undergraduate Final Year Project
MIT License
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Knowledge-based Fake News Detection

This project is the implementation part of my undergraduate final year project, titled "Using Dynamic Knowledge Graph for Fake News Detection". The final report is available to read in the report.pdf file

This repository is hosted in

The package documentation can be found at /docs/_build/html/index.html or /docs/fakenewsdetection.pdf.

File Listing

Below is a short explanation of the content of each directory and top-level file in this repository:

Prerequisites to Run

In order to run this project locally, you will need the followings:

  1. Docker and Docker Compose.

    This is required for running DBpedia. If you do not already have Docker and Docker Compose, install it from and

  2. A running DBpedia instance.

    Follow the instructions in to get DBpedia running locally. Note that it is not strictly required to have the full DBpedia loaded for demonstration purpose, as it could take hours to load. Alternatively, use a smaller collection instead, as also instructed in their documentation.

  3. MongoDB

    This is required to store the scraped articles and their extracted triples. If you do not already have it, install it from

  4. Conda

    This project uses Conda environment to manage Python and its packages. If you do not already have it, install Anaconda (including Conda) from

  5. Node.js

    This project uses Node.js for the User Interface. If you want to run the UI, you will need Node.js. If you do not already have it, install it from

  6. Stanford CoreNLP

    This is used for the triple extraction process. Download it from Java is required to run this.

  7. (Optional) IIT OpenIE

    This can also be used for the triple extraction, as an alternative to Stanford OpenIE. Changes are required in the appropriate places in the code. Download it from

  8. (Recommended) Guardian Open Platform API Key

    In order to smoothly scrape content from The Guardian, the Guardian API is used. Register for the developer key here:

Install The Project Locally

  1. From the terminal, run:

    conda env create --file environment.yml
  2. Once the Conda environment is installed, additionally you will need to install NeuralCoref library which needs to be built locally because the Spacy version used in this project is later than version 2.1.0.

    Run the following commands:

    git clone
    cd neuralcoref
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .
  3. Create .env file by copying the content of .env.default file. Fill out all of the necessary values, or replace the default ones.

  4. Install the UI. Go to the ui folder (cd ui), and run the following commands:

    npm install
    cp .\src\style\my-theme.less .\node_modules\antd\dist\
    cd .\node_modules\antd\dist\
    lessc --js my-theme.less ..\..\..\src\style\custom-antd.css

Run The Project Locally

This project consists of 4 components that can be run individually.


The REST API is needed to access the main functionalities of this project. It is also needed when running the UI.

  1. Make sure that the local DBpedia and MongoDB are running.
  2. Run the Stanford CoreNLP by using this command: (make sure you are running it from the directory where you have the Stanford CoreNLP jar file):
    java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer \
    -preload tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,depparse,natlog,openie \
    -port 9000 -timeout 15000
  3. Run the REST API from the project root folder:
    conda activate fake-news-detection
    python -m api.main
  4. You should now be able to hit the REST API endpoints on port 5000. You can also access the Swagger UI documentation and demo from http://localhost:5000/apidocs/.

Run User Interface

The UI provides an intuitive way for users to interact with the REST API and the project as a whole.

  1. Make sure the REST API is running.

  2. Go to the ui folder (cd ui), and run the following command: npm run start.

  3. The UI can be accessed through http://localhost:3000

Run Article Scraper in background

If you want to run the article scraper that runs periodically all the time, you need the followings:

  1. Make sure MongoDB is running.
  2. From the project's root directory, run python -m articlescraper.main

Run Knowledge Graph Updater in background

If you want to have the triples extracted from the recently scraped articles all the time, you need the followings:

  1. Make sure the Stanford CoreNLP server is running. See step 2 of Run REST API.
  2. From the project's root directory, run python -m knowledgegraphupdater.kgupdaterrunner