albfan / mvnexec

bash script to find and execute java classes with main methods
18 stars 12 forks source link


A script to find java files inside your maven project containing a main function without touching pom.xml


Download and symlink to your path

$ git clone
$ cd mvnexec
$ ln -s $PWD/mvnexec ~/bin/


mvnexec honors JDK_HOME, JAVA_HOME system vars and java executable existing in PATH (in that order).

launch it from a maven project

$ cd <maven-project>
$ mvnexec
  1. First you will see a list of classes having main methods
  2. Next you will be prompted for parameters (press <Enter> if none is required or launch with -P)
  3. Program is compiled and launched (launch with -B to avoid compiling again)


Try using mvnexec --help