alcarney / moduleplanner-django

Our attempt at using Django with MongoDB to build a module planner
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Module Planner


Make sure you have the following installed before continuing:

- git
- python2-pip
- virutalenv
- mongodb

If you haven't done so already clone the repository by running:

    $ git clone

Then cd into your newly cloned repository and create a new virtual env

    $ virtualenv env

Activate your newly created virtualenv

    $ source env/bin/activate

You can check that this worked by running which python which prints to the shell the filepath of the python binary it should end with


This next command will then install django and the other python dependencies needed for this project into your virtualenv

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the development server

Once you have everything you need installed and ready to go you can fire up the development server by navigating to the bin directory and running

$ ./

Note: Before running this command make sure that the folder db/ exists in the root of the project otherwsie the database will fail to start.

The above command simply starts the database and the development server, it doesn't automatically include data. So to get a database including a dataset to work with then run.

$ ./ --fresh-data

Important: The above command deletes whatever is currently in the database and imports the data stored in /data. It is intended as a "reset button" so that if during development the data in the database gets messed up we can roll back to a previous clean set.

If any data gets added to the database that you want to keep then make sure it gets added to the /data folder as well as a backup. This can be done either by manually creating the JSON file yourself or by making use of the mongoexport command.


- Alex
- Timothy
- Adam
- Vince
- James
- Json


Functional Tests

Functiontional tests are run using selenium. For a good overview see:

At the moment tests are being developed for Firefox and Chrome. For them to work you need to have the ChromeDriver executable in your path. One approach to this is to download from and put the ChromeDriver file in a folder like /usr/local/bin.

To run the functional tests:

$ python python

This should open two browser windows: (one in chrome and the other in firefox). No output on the shell is a good thing.

Unit Tests