aldebaran / libqi

NAOqi core framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
66 stars 53 forks source link


libqi is a middle-ware C++ framework that provides RPC, type-erasure, cross-language interoperability, OS abstractions, logging facilities, asynchronous task management, dynamic module loading.


The libqi project requires a compiler that supports C++17 to build.

It is built with CMake >= 3.23.

.. note:: The CMake project offers several configuration options and exports a set of targets when installed. You may refer to the CMakeLists.txt file for more details about available parameters and exported targets.

.. note:: The procedures described below assume that you have downloaded the project sources and that your current working directory is the project sources root directory.

Conan ^^^^^

Additionally, libqi is available as a Conan 2 project, which means you can use Conan to fetch dependencies and/or to create a Conan package.

You can install and/or upgrade Conan 2 and create a default profile in the following way:

.. code-block:: console

install/upgrade Conan 2

pip install --upgrade conan~=2

create a default profile

conan profile detect

Install dependencies from Conan and build with CMake ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The procedure to build the project using Conan to fetch dependencies is the following.

You must first install the project dependencies in Conan.

.. code-block:: console

conan install . --build=missing -s build_type=Debug

This will generate a build directory containing a configuration with a toolchain file that allows CMake to find dependencies inside the Conan cache.

You can then invoke CMake directly inside the build configuration directory to configure and build the project. Fortunately, Conan also generates a CMake preset that simplifies the process. The name of the preset may differ on your machine. You may need to find the preset generated by Conan first by calling:

.. code-block:: console

cmake --list-presets

Here, we'll assume that the preset is named conan-linux-x86_64-gcc-debug. To start building, you need to configure with CMake and then build:

.. code-block:: console

cmake --preset conan-linux-x86_64-gcc-debug cmake --build --preset conan-linux-x86_64-gcc-debug

You can then invoke tests using CTest:

.. code-block:: console

ctest --preset conan-linux-x86_64-gcc-debug --output-on-failure

Finally, you can install the project in the directory of your choice.

The project defines 2 install components:

.. code-block:: console

"cmake --install" does not support preset sadly.

cmake --install build/linux-x86_64-gcc-debug --component runtime --prefix ~/my-libqi-install-runtime cmake --install build/linux-x86_64-gcc-debug --component devel --prefix ~/my-libqi-install-devel

This is equivalent to installing all components.

cmake --install build/linux-x86_64-gcc-debug --prefix ~/my-libqi-install-all-components

Create a Conan package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creating a Conan package is straightforward:

.. code-block:: console

conan create . -s build_type=Release

This will build in "Release" mode and install the package in your Conan local cache. You can then depend on this package in other projects or upload the package on a Conan registry at your leisure.


The following example shows some features of the framework. Please refer to the documentation for further details.

.. code-block:: cpp

include <boost/make_shared.hpp>

include <qi/log.hpp>

include <qi/applicationsession.hpp>

include <qi/anyobject.hpp>


class MyService { public: void myFunction(int val) { qiLogInfo() << "myFunction called with " << val; } qi::Signal eventTriggered; qi::Property angle; };

// register the service to the type-system QI_REGISTER_OBJECT(MyService, myFunction, eventTriggered, angle);

void print() { qiLogInfo() << "print was called"; }

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { qi::ApplicationSession app(argc, argv);

// connect the session included in the app.

qi::SessionPtr session = app.session();

// register our service.
session->registerService("MyService", boost::make_shared<MyService>());

// get our service through the middleware.
qi::AnyObject obj = session->service("MyService").value();

// call myFunction.<void>("myFunction", 42).value();

// call print in 2 seconds.
qi::async(&print, qi::Seconds(2));

// block until Ctrl-C / interruption signal.;


You can then run the program with:

.. code-block:: console

./myservice --qi-standalone # for a standalone server. ./myservice --qi-url tcp://somemachine:9559 # to connect to an existing group of sessions.