aldryn / aldryn-blog

aldryn-blog IS DEPRECATED. PLEASE USE aldryn-newsblog!
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Some fixes/enhancements #2

Closed beniwohli closed 11 years ago

beniwohli commented 11 years ago

See commit messages for explanations

beniwohli commented 11 years ago

Since there were no objections, I'll go ahead and merge this.

szuliq commented 11 years ago

Sorry for lack of response.

I must have missed the email notification from github and since there is a lot of small repos I missed my assignment as well.

Personally I would go with a lead text as an another placeholder field.

One might plug there anything he likes.

I see no reason for enforcing one photo or html field.

beniwohli commented 11 years ago

The reason for enforcing these two fields is to get a (more or less) consistent and efficient list view. Rendering a placeholder is quite expensive with respect to SQL queries. But we accept that because of the flexibility it gives us. Rendering 10 or 20 placeholders for a list view gets excessive. Also, a lead in isn't the place to put basically anything else than plain text in. Just check out All those little blurbs are lead-ins. They are all text and maybe a picture.

I would even be ok to turn the lead-in into a plain TextArea without the html editor.