aldryn / aldryn-blog

aldryn-blog IS DEPRECATED. PLEASE USE aldryn-newsblog!
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=============== Aldryn Blog App

Please note that this application has been superseded by Aldryn News & Blog <>_, and may not receive any future updates.

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:

Simple blogging application. It allows you to:


Aldryn Platform Users

Choose a site you want to install the add-on to from the dashboard. Then go to Apps -> Install app and click Install next to Blog app.

Redeploy the site.

Manual Installation

NOTE: If you are using a database other than PostgresSQL, check out the table below.

Database support:

+---------------+----------------------------+-----------------+ | SQLite3 | MySQL | PostgresSQL | +===============+============================+=================+ | Not supported | Requires Time zone support | Fully supported | +---------------+----------------------------+-----------------+

Run pip install aldryn-blog.

Add below apps to INSTALLED_APPS: ::


    # for search


You can add post messages in the admin interface now. Search for the label Aldryn_Blog.

In order to display them, create a CMS page and install the app there (choose Blog from the Advanced Settings -> Application dropdown).

Now redeploy/restart the site again.

The above CMS site has become a blog post archive view.

About the Content of a Post

In Aldryn Blog, there are two content fields in each Post which may be confusing:

  1. Lead-In and
  2. Body

The Lead-In is text/html only and is intended to be a brief "teaser" or introduction into the blog post. The lead-in is shown in the blog list-views and is presented as the first paragraph (or so) of the blog post itself. It is not intended to be the whole blog post.

To add the body of the blog post, the CMS operator will:

  1. Navigate to the blog post view (not the list view);
  2. Click the "Live" button in the CMS toolbar to go into edit-mode;
  3. Click the "Structure" button to enter the structure sub-mode;
  4. Here the operator will see the placeholder "ALDRYN_BLOG_POST_CONTENT", use the menu on the far right of the placeholder to add whatever CMS plugin the operator wishes –– this will often be the Text plugin;
  5. Double-click the new Text plugin (or whatever was selected) to add the desired content;
  6. Save changes on the plugin's UI;
  7. Press the "Publish" button in the CMS Toolbar.

Available CMS Plug-ins


If you want the blog posts to be searchable, be sure to install aldryn-search and its dependencies. Your posts will be searchable using django-haystack.

You can turn it this behavior off by setting ALDRYN_BLOG_SEARCH = False in your django settings.

Additional Settings