aldryn / aldryn-blog

aldryn-blog IS DEPRECATED. PLEASE USE aldryn-newsblog!
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installing aldryn-blog in django-cms breaks djangocms_link plugin #47

Open neaai opened 10 years ago

neaai commented 10 years ago

This is very easy to reproduce. I discovered this by following the tutorial at: "divio / django-cms-tutorial" where as an example at Step 6 of the tutorial, is used the installation of a blog app, the aldryn-blog app. The link plugin works correctly until the completion of the steps described to install aldryn-blog. After that, any attempt to create a link using the plugin from the frontend editor, generates an error.

It would seem that the error actually is connected to django-select2 which is installed automatically when installing aldryn-blog. I fixed this in my cms installation by modifying the project's "" file and adding the line: url(r'^select2/', include('django_select2.urls')), at the urlpatterns section.

Currently, my sections that deal with the urlpatterns is as follows:

=========== CUT ==================== urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^sitemap.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': {'cmspages': CMSSitemap}}), url(r'^select2/', include('django_select2.urls')), )

urlpatterns += i18n_patterns('', url(r'^admin/', include(, url(r'^', include('cms.urls')), ) ============== CUT ==================

After this change, the link plugin works properly.

I don't know whether this is a documentation issue or something that has to be fixed in code. But I hope it helps.


czpython commented 10 years ago

hey there, could you paste a link to the traceback ? (pastebin)

neaai commented 10 years ago

Hello, Here is a paste of the traceback generated. I have generated this by following the above mentioned steps, but without changing the "" file of the project as shown within the CUT/CUT section.

czpython commented 10 years ago

so you only get this error whenselect2 is not in the ? If so then yes it is a documentation issue because select2 needs to be installed following it's own installation docs. This includes adding it to the, please let me know if this is the case :smile: .

neaai commented 10 years ago

@czpython Yes, the problem is fixed when adding select2 line in '' of the project. I guess the confusion came because dselect2 as installed automatically as a dependency by aldryn-blog. The django-select2 package docs do mention this, but probably it needs to be mentioned as well in the blog's docs too, in the same manner it mentions the lines that need to be added at INSTALLED_APPS.

While we are at this discussion, when adding the select2 line at '', in which section it is better to put it, at "patterns" or "i18n_patterns"? Would it make any difference in behaviour and functionality?

Thank you and regards.

czpython commented 10 years ago

@neaai personally I would put it in i18n_patterns if you are using django's multilanguage feature. And this is because the view deals with db objects that might need to be language aware.

sfwatergit commented 10 years ago


I ran into this same problem with the same fix, but only after a good bit of head scratching. I agree with @neaai that it should be in the docs somewhere, since following the CMS tutorial to the letter will lead all users down the same path. Seems it would be good to mention in both places.
