aldryn / aldryn-blog

aldryn-blog IS DEPRECATED. PLEASE USE aldryn-newsblog!
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Blog content user perspective #65

Open andreesg opened 10 years ago

andreesg commented 10 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm working quite intensively with Django-CMS and I'm impressed with aldryn-blog. I have a suggestion and I hope you find it useful.

From the user point of view, isn't it better to add a post by doing this simple steps: Blog -> Add blog post -> Insert Lead-in and also Blog content, fill the rest of the fields and you are done!
And then just edit, if you need, in the front-end.

The body could be a HTMLField in the Post model and then render_model in the details template, or put TextPlugin inside the content placeholder in order to be able to add more features, but the point is: you will be able to have your post ready in just three steps :)


tiuma commented 10 years ago

Hi, I share the same opinion as andreesg. Will be really useful from user's point of view.

bastiW commented 10 years ago

I totally agree.

There are some others who had problems adding content.

qris commented 10 years ago

I agree. I totally cannot add content in the first place! The manual says:

  1. Navigate to the blog post view (not the list view);

But where is that? I can't find any page which gives me the ability to create content in structure view. There doesn't seem to be a {% placeholder aldryn_blog_post_content }% in any of the templates supplied with Aldryn, so I can't see how this is supposed to work.

Update: I found that my template adaptor wasn't creating a block with the right name, so the content of Aldryn templates was never being added to my pages, and I only ever saw the base page from Django-CMS, not the app pages. So not a bug. I still support creating the content via the admin though.