aldryn / aldryn-blog

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Custom templates? #74

Closed corpulent closed 9 years ago

corpulent commented 10 years ago

Hi, is there a way to override aldryn_blog templates and create your own custom templates for aldryn_blog to use? I found this!topic/django-cms/SpXEcrjbhMA. But its not working for me. I am loading templates this way.


And this is my template tree, I am trying to match the template of aldryn_blog app. screen shot 2014-08-15 at 11 08 41 am

corpulent commented 10 years ago

Update, I got it working by removing 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader', from my TEMPLATE_LOADERS. Is this the right move? My thinking is that if django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader exists, it should be enough to load default aldryn_blog stuff even if I dont have custom aldryn_blog tempaltes.

rgcarrasqueira commented 9 years ago

Hi! I'm having the same issue as you, but I would like to change the base.html. When I copy it and add to the templates/aldryn_blog/base.html I cannot retrieve any data from database and the page appear without any post. Any ideas?

corpulent commented 9 years ago

@rgcarrasqueira the data retrieval might be a different issue. Try to load data with default aldryn_blog setup and templates, and make sure that works. Then try to load your own templates, by using my suggestion above.