aldryn / aldryn-segmentation

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Aldryn Segmentation

Development Status

Segment Limter:

Segment Plugins:

Segment Pool:



These tests are performed in the test_project.


Known Issues

This is a list of known issues that are being worked on...


At this time, the package is not submitted to PyPi, but you can still use pip if you like. Here's how to get started quickly:

NOTE: At this time, the project has only been tested under:

  1. Make sure you're using a version of django-CMS that is later than 3.0.2.dev1, otherwise the Segment menu will not appear correctly and likely the whole toolbar won't render at all.
  2. If you're using Python 3, it is recommended also install: pip intall pyuca for better collation of non-EN languages.
  3. pip install
  4. Add 'aldryn_segmentation' to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django project's settings file
  5. python schemamigration aldryn_segmentation --initial
  6. python migrate aldryn_segmentation

Optional, but required if you intend to run the test project included in the repo:

  1. pip install aldryn-country-segment (not actually in PyPI just yet), so, you'll need to: pip install for now.
  2. pip install django-easy-select2 (if you opt not to do this, you must remove 'easy_select2' from settings.INSTALLED_APPS in the test_project)
  3. Follow the instructions provided in the README for Aldryn Country Segment.

At this point you should be good to go. When you next run your project, the first thing you may notice is that you have new–albeit empty–'Segments' menu in your toolbar.

Basic Usage

To use segmentation, you simply add Segmentation plugins into your placeholders. The most important one is the Segment Limit plugin. This serves as a container for all other segment plugins. Once you add a Limit plugin to a placeholder, you'll then notice you have other plugins that you can then install as children to the limit plugin.


This django CMS application allows the CMS operator to display different content to different "segments" of visitors.

By using different Segmentation Plugins, the CMS operator can define segments which meet certain criteria, such as:

In addition, in order to aide the operator in providing "Fallbacks" when conditions aren't met and other scenarios, this application provides a "Segmentation Limit Block" plugin, which can be used to limit the number of matching conditions that will display in any given placeholder.

Combining a segment plugin with a segmentation limit block plugin, arbitrarily complex logical conditions can be described. Here's the basics:

"Show details of 10% discount offer to retail customers only."

    > placeholder
        > Limit Block: Show first
            > Segment by Cookie: 'type' equals 'retail'
                > Text: 10% Discount offer...
            > Text: Details of offer with normal pricing...

In this example, the Limit Block will only allow one of its children to be displayed. If the Segment by Cookie plugin is triggered because the visitor has a cookie named 'type' with a value of 'retail', then the Segement by Cookie's children (all of them) will be displayed.

If the visitor does not have a 'type' cookie, or it does not contain 'retail', then the Segment by Cookie plugin will not be considered for rendering, nor will any of its children. This will then permit consideration of the next child to the limit block. In this case, it is a normal, non-segment plugin that will "count" for the limit of 1 and will be rendered.

In a similar manner, multiple conditions can be considered and combined with AND, OR or XOR operations as required. Here's an OR operation:

    > placeholder
        > Limit Block: Show first
            > Segment by Cookie: 'type' equals 'retail'
                > Text: 10% offer for French customers OR retail customers only.
            > Segment by Country: France
                > Text: 10% offer for French customers OR retail customers only.
            > Text: Normal pricing for everyone else...

An AND operation is a little more complex, but still very easy to do:

    > placeholder
        > Limit Block: Show first
            > Segment by Cookie: 'type' equals 'retail'
                > Limit Block: Show first
                    > Segment by Country: France
                        > Text: 10% offer for French Retail Customers only.
                    > Text: Normal pricing...
            > Text: Normal pricing...

An XOR operation is also straight forward:

    > placeholder
        > Limit Block: Show first
            > Segment by Cookie: 'type' equals 'retail'
                > Limit Block: Show first
                    > Segment by Country: France
                        > Text: Normal pricing...
                    > Text: 10% offer for French customers OR retail customers only
                            (but not French retail customers).
            > Segment by Country: France
                > Limit Block: Show first
                    > Segment by Cookie: 'type' equals 'retail'
                        > Text: Normal pricing...
                    > Text: 10% offer for French customers OR retail customers only
                            (but not French retail customers).
            > Text: Normal pricing...