alecerio / NeuralCasting

Front-end compiler for ONNX
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Neural Casting is a front-end compiler to convert ONNX format (Open Neural Network Exchange) to a specific programming language. Currently, conversion to C code is supported, but the software aims to provide an infrastructure suited to convert ONNX structure to different programming languages and intermediate representations. This makes Neural Casting a suitable entry point for backend compilers. The core of Neural Casting is the use of the Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) provided by ONNX structure to replace the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the traditional compilers. As a result, the code generation is possible with an exploration algorithm of such data structure, considering the dependencies between the different operators of the encoded neural network.


For the setup of Neural Casting, use the following procedure:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd NeuralCasting
  2. Install the conda environment:

conda env create -f env.yml

You can find env.yml in the main page of the repository.

  1. Activate the conda environment:
conda activate neural_casting
  1. To install the compiler package in neural_casting, run the setup file:
python install
  1. Install gcc in your system. For example, here is reported the installation for Ubuntu 22.04.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc
gcc --version
  1. In config/config.yaml, update the settings:

Inside the workdir directory, create two folders:


Currently, onnx and pytorch models are supported as input and C code as output. The entry point of the compiler is the function run in neural_cast/ You must pass as first parameter the configuration of the compiler (e.g. the one you can find in config/config.yaml), while the following parameters depend on the selected framework.


If framework='pytorch', then you have to specify the following parameters:


import os
import yaml
import torch
from neural_cast.compiler import run

# load configuration
curr_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
curr_path = os.path.dirname(curr_file)   
with open(curr_path + '/../../config/config.yaml', 'r') as yaml_file:
    config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)

# run compiler
run(config, framework='onnx', path=curr_path + '/model.onnx')

# check generated code in the output folder defined in config.yaml


If framework='onnx', then you have to specify the following parameters:


import os
import yaml
import torch
from neural_cast.compiler import run

# load configuration
curr_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
curr_path = os.path.dirname(curr_file)   
with open(curr_path + '/../../config/config.yaml', 'r') as yaml_file:
    config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)

# run compiler
run(config, framework='onnx', path=curr_path + '/model.onnx')

# check generated code in the output folder defined in config.yaml


There are different tests implemented to ensure the generated code is correct. You can find the list of implemented tests in tests/neural_networks/:

Run the tests

Go the the repository directory:

cd /path/to/repository/

Ensure the compiler package is up to date:

python install

Run the tests:


Open Works

The current main goal of the project is to run audio related neural networks on an STM32 board, specifically for de-noising.

Nevertheless, the project aims to provide a general infrastructure and to cover a wide range of use cases. Consequently, there are many oppurtunities of features integration in the future:

Authors and Contacts

NeuralCasting is a project developed by Alessandro Cerioli during his Industrial PhD at Jabra and DTU (Technical University of Denmark) and is part of the European project Convolve. For more information regarding the project or to actively contribute to the development of the repository, use the following contacts:


This project is developed according to apache 2 license (see LICENSE).