= Follow feature for Rails3 with Mongoid
== Installation
In Gemfile: gem 'mongoid_follow'
== Legend (to ease complications)
"follower" is a model who follows "followee" is a model who would be followed
== To use
To make mongoid_follow usable you need to include Mongoid::Followee into your document who would be followed then you also need to include Mongoid::Follower in your follower model:
class User include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Followee
include Mongoid::Follower
class Group include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Followee
You can then follow a model using:
@bonnie = User.create @clyde = User.create
@bonnie.follow(@clyde) @bonnie.unfollow(@clyde)
You can also see whether a model is a follower of another model or if a model is a followee of another model:
@clyde.follower?(@bonnie) @bonnie.followee?(@clyde)
You can also be a follower of other models
@gang = Group.create @bonnie.follow(@group)
@gang.follower?(@bonnie) @bonnie.follows?(@gang)
=== Getting followers/followees
Get all followers/followees by
@gang.all_followers @bonnie.all_followees
You can also get followers/followees by a certain model
@gang.all_followers_by_model(User) @bonnie.all_followees_by_model(Gang)
=== Counting followers/followees
Get the count of followers/followees using
@gang.followers_count @bonnie.followees_count
Or by a certain model by
@gang.followers_count_by_model(User) @bonnie.followees_count_by_model(User)
=== Dynamic methods
You can use dynamic methods to shorten code for getting followers/followees or their count of a certain model by
@gang.all_user_followers @bonnie.all_gang_followees
@gang.user_followers_count @bonnie.user_followees_count
== Callbacks
You can attach callbacks to the follower/followee models before or after the follow.
def before_follow(followee) puts 'Notify me' end
after_follow before_unfollow after_unfollow
def before_followed_by(follower) puts 'Something here' end
after_followed_by before_unfollowed_by after_unfollowed_by
Note: careful with using callbacks, we have no transaction so if it breaks on your callbacks, what gets saved is saved.
== For development
gem install 'mongoid' gem install 'bson_ext' gem install 'database_cleaner' gem install 'rspec'
rake spec/specs/follow_spec_rb
== Thanks
Awesome thanks to: mongoid_followable Tristan Peralta
== Copyright
Copyright (c) Alec Guintu. See LICENSE.txt for further details.