alejandrodmg / ur3-robot-ros

Training an UR3 robot using Reinforcement Learning and ROS.
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DeepQ Learning is not available #1

Open AdrianPrados opened 2 years ago

AdrianPrados commented 2 years ago

Hello, to try the DeepQ Learning method there is not any , so when the launcher is executed, an error appears and do not work. Could you please upload that? Thanks

lgortiz1 commented 8 months ago

hello friend, can you tell me which versions of Ubuntu and ROS you are using ?

AdrianPrados commented 8 months ago

Good morning my friend, I have already set up my own DeepQ Learning. I used Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. It would still be nice to know why it couldn't run in case someone in the future makes use of it.

Best regards

lgortiz1 commented 8 months ago

@AdrianPrados Gracias por tu respuesta amigo, has subido tu código en algún repositorio quisiera poder probarlo.

Vi tus estudios y también estoy cursando un Máster en Automática y Robotica en Alicante y me seria de gran ayuda tu trabajo.

te dejo mi correo:

Thanks for your answer my friend, have you uploaded your code in some repository I would like to try it.

I saw your studies and I am also studying a Master in Automation and Robotics in Alicante and I would be very helpful your work.

I leave you my email:

AdrianPrados commented 8 months ago

Buenas @lgortiz1 , todo lo que subo es open source, lo puedes ver en mi perfil de GitHub. Todos los códigos llevan asociados una serie de papers. Están linkados en cada código, aún así si quieres chequear primero que es de tu interés te recomiendo que lo mires en mi ResearchGate ( Mis investigaciones se centra en el aprendizaje por imitación. Espero te ayude en algo. Un saludo y si necesitas algo puedes contactarme cuando quieras.

Good morning @lgortiz1 , everything I upload is open source, you can see it in my GitHub profile. All the codes have a series of papers associated with them. They are linked in each code, even so if you want to check first what is of your interest I recommend you to look at my ResearchGate ( My research focuses on imitation learning. I hope it helps you. Regards and if you need anything you can contact me anytime.