alejandrodmg / ur3-robot-ros

Training an UR3 robot using Reinforcement Learning and ROS.
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openai python reinforcement-learning ros ur3-robot-arm

Quick setup guide

Place the following folders in a catkin_ws/src ROS workspace:

The folder openAI_ROS contains the files/folders we created and also the ones we modified to train the robot. In order to run experiments it's necessary to put the new files in the correct folders within the openai_ros package and additionally replace those that were updated:

Task Environment:

Inside task_envs folder, there's a folder named 'ur3' that goes in here:


In this same directory, please replace the existing file with the one provided.

Robot Environment:

Inside robot_envs folder, there's a file named that goes in here:


My abs path is /home/alejandro/catkin_ws, please make sure to modify it in the training YAML file located /../my_ur3_training/config to make it work for your machine.


1) Move the robot's arm to a certain position. Execute the following commands in different terminal windows/tabs:

# Terminal-1
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roscore

# Terminal-2
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch my_ur3_description ur3.launch

# Terminal-3
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch my_ur3_reach ur3_reach.launch

2) Train the robot using RL algorithms:


# Terminal-1
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roscore

# Terminal-2 (SARSA)
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch my_ur3_training start_training_sarsa.launch


# Terminal-1
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roscore

# Terminal-2 (Q-Learning)
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch my_ur3_training start_training_qlearn.launch

Deep Q-Network:

# Terminal-1
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roscore

# Terminal-2 (Deep Q-Network)
~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch my_ur3_training start_training_dqn.launch