This repository contains the code and instructions necessary to replicate the results from the paper "Reward Design for Justifiable Sequential Decision-Making" (ICLR 2024; OpenReview; ArXiv).
This code depends on Python 3.9.13. The rest of dependencies are specified in the requirements.txt
file. To install them, it suffices to run pip install -r requirements.txt
. Alternatively, we have also provided a Docker image in docker/argo/Dockerfile
which you are welcome to use. In its previous life, this project was named "Argumentative Optimization", hence the top-module uses its abbreviation, argo
To reproduce the results reported in the paper, there are several steps to be followed, outlined in subsequent sections.
We use version 1.4 of MIMIC-III dataset stored in a local PostgreSQL instance. We have included a Docker image in docker/mimic/Dockerfile
that includes the necessary dependencies to load the MIMIC-III database. To setup MIMIC-III in a local PostgreSQL instance, follow the steps:
file and ensure they have the correct values for your system;docker compose -f docker/mimic/docker-compose.yml build
. Note that for hosting the entire MIMIC-III dataset, you will need around 100GB of disk space;docker exec <container-id> /tmp/mimic-code/
.The entire procedure will most likely take several hours to complete, after which you will have a fully initialized PostgreSQL instance containing the entire MIMIC-III dataset.
To extract and preprocess the dataset, we rely on the Microsoft's sepsis cohort extraction script. We refer the reader to instructions provided in the linked repository. The output of this procedure are two *.csv files containing normalized and raw patient data. These files are an expected input to our dataset generation script, outlined in the following section.
To create dataset splits, run the following:
python -m argo.scripts.generate_dataset \
--artifacts-dir ./assets/data/sepsis/ \
--sepsis-cohort ./assets/data/sepsis/sepsis_final_data_normalized.csv \
--train-chunk 0.7 \
--val-chunk 0.5 \
--seed 5568
This will create train, val and test tensor dictionaries. For a detailed usage and description of available options, run python scripts/ --help
Although you're free to use any folder structure for your trained models, the default guild.yml
configuration expects everything to be stored in the assets
directory, with the following structure:
contains all data-related files (e.g., CSV files, preference datasets, etc.);assets/models/argumentator
is expected to contain subdirectories named $4$ and $6$ designating argumentative agents (and their confusers) trained with $4$ and $6$ arguments respectively. The naming scheme is as follows: for argumentative agents, exported file name is argumentator.<suffix>.pt
where suffix is isolated
, debate-minimax
or debate-selfplay
. For confuser agents, the exported file name is confuser.<suffix>.pt
, using already mentioned suffixes;assets/models/clinician
is expected to have a clinician's policy named
is expected to have three judge models, namely
(for $6$ arguments),
(for $4$) and
for a full-state judge;assets/models/protagonist/ddqn
is expected to have two subdirectories, namely full_state
and justifiable
representing policies trained with state-based and debate-based feedback respectively. Within each subdirectory, a separate directory named l<suffix>
where suffix is 00
, 25
, 50
, 75
or 100
contains training results of policies with different values of parameter $\lambda$.With initialized data, we turn our attention to training individual models which we describe in the following subsections.
We rely on Guild AI tool to automate and track our experiments. The reader is encouraged to familiarize itself with the provided guild.yml
file which defines each experiment in this paper. Because some experiments are interconnected, we describe here the exact order in which they need to be run. Before invoking the training scripts, consult the guild.yml
file to ensure all of the necessary file dependencies are met.
To train the clinician policy used during weighted importance sampling (WIS) evaluation, it suffices to run:
guild run clinician:train
To train the judge model, it suffices to run:
guild run judge:train
This script will additionally create the preference dataset $\mathcal{D}$ from the paper (see generated artifacts
). These preferences are then used in all reported experiments.
To train the isolated argumentator, it suffices to run:
guild run argumentator:train
We refer the reader to guild.yml
file where further details.
To train the self-play argumentator, it suffices to run:
guild run debate:train
Likewise, to train the maxmin version, simply replace train
suffix with train-minimax
. We refer the reader to guild.yml
file for further details.
To train the confuser agent, first update the guild.yml
file to specify its opponent (i.e., one of the agents trained in the previous two sections). Then, it suffices to run:
guild run confuser:train
To train a baseline agent, first refer to the guild.yml
configuration and ensure all dependencies are met. In addition, set the lmbd-justifiability
parameter to $0$ ($\lambda$ from the paper). Then, it suffices to run:
guild run protagonist-ddqn:train
The command will train the baseline agent using $5$ random seeds.
To train the justifiable agent, first change the lmbd-justifiability
to a desired value and ensure you pass the path to the baseline policy trained in the previous section using an argument baseline-path
. Also, ensure any lambda-specific hyperparameters (in particular, just one, namely n-estimation-step
) is properly set for that particular lambda value (see App. C.3 of the paper).
After training all agents, we perform their evaluation in two notebooks. First, to evaluate argumentative agents, run the notebooks/eval_argumentation.ipynb
notebook. Next, to evaluate sepsis agents, run the notebooks/eval_protagonist.ipynb
notebook. These two notebooks will generate a bunch of *.csv files that will be stored in the results/
directory. To generate plots, it suffices to run notebooks/plots.ipynb