aleksispi / drl-rpn-tf

Official Tensorflow implementation of drl-RPN: Deep Reinforcement Learning of Region Proposal Networks (CVPR 2018 paper)
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drl-RPN: Deep Reinforcement Learning of Region Proposal Networks for Object Detection


Official Tensorflow implementation of drl-RPN by Aleksis Pirinen (email: and Cristian Sminchisescu. The associated CVPR 2018 paper can be accessed here. A video demonstrating this work can be seen here.

The drl-RPN model is implemented on top of the publicly available TensorFlow VGG-16-based Faster R-CNN implementation by Xinlei Chen available here. See also the associated technical report An Implementation of Faster RCNN with Study for Region Sampling, as well as the original Faster R-CNN paper Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks.



  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. For steps 2-4, see "Installation" on this page.

Detection performance

The current code supports VGG16 models. Exactly as for the Faster R-CNN implementation by Xinlei Chen, we report numbers using a single model on a single convolution layer, so no multi-scale, no multi-stage bounding box regression, no skip-connection, no extra input is used. The only data augmentation technique is left-right flipping during training following the original Faster R-CNN.

We first re-ran some of the experiments reported here for Faster R-CNN, but trained the models longer to obtain further performance gains for our baseline models. We got:

The corresponding results when using our drl-RPN detector with exploration penalty 0.05 during inference (models trained over different exploration penalties, as described in Section 5.1.2 in the paper) and posterior class-probability adjustments (Section 4.2 in our paper):

Tabular result representation

Model mAP - VOC 2007 mAP - VOC 2012
RPN 76.5 74.2
drl-RPN 77.5 74.9
drl-RPN (np) 77.2 74.6
drl-RPN (12-fix) 77.6 75.0


Pretrained models

All pretrained models (both Faster R-CNN baseline and our drl-RPN models) for the numbers reported above in Detection Performance are available:

Object detection datasets

See "Setup data" on this page. Essentially download the dataset you are interested (e.g. PASCAL VOC), and add soft links in the data folder in the appropriate way (see for generic how-to for setting soft links).

Training drl-RPN

  1. Download and setup the datasets (see Object detection datasets above).
  2. Download the desired pretrained Faster R-CNN model (see Pretrained models above).
  3. The main script to launch training is experiments/scripts/ Setup SAVE_PATH and WEIGHT_PATH appropriately, and run the command ./experiments/scripts/ 0 pascal_voc_0712 1 20000 0 110000 to start training on VOC 2007+2012 trainval on GPU-id 0 for a total of 110k iterations (see code for more details). This will yield a drl-RPN model trained over two exploration penalties, enabling setting the speed-accuracy trade-off at test time. See also experiments/cfgs/drl-rpn-vgg16.yml for some settings.
  4. Once the above model has finished training in step 3, it is also possible to train the posterior class-probability history module (c.f. Section 4.2 in our paper). To do this, first make sure that the WEIGHTS_PATH variable in points to your drl-RPN model weights obtained in step 3 above. Then run ./experiments/scripts/ 0 pascal_voc_0712 1 0 1 110000 to train the posterior class-probability adjustment module for 110k iterations.

Testing drl-RPN

  1. Either make sure you have trained your own drl-RPN model (see Training drl-RPN above) or download pretrained weights (see Pretrained models above).
  2. The main script to launch testing is experiments/scripts/ To test your model on the Pascal VOC 2007 test set on GPU-id 0, run ./experiments/scripts/ 0 pascal_voc_0712 1 1 0 (see code for more details). If you want to change the exploration-accuracy trade-off parameter, see experiments/cfgs/drl-rpn-vgg16.yml. You may also specify whether you want to visualize drl-RPN search trajectories here (visualizations are saved in the top folder).


Here are solutions to some potential issues:


If you find this implementation or our CVPR 2018 paper interesting or helpful, please consider citing:

    title={Deep reinforcement learning of region proposal networks for object detection},
    author={Pirinen, Aleksis and Sminchisescu, Cristian},
    booktitle={proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},