alelin4 / Store-Grupp2

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Presentation of the project.

This webshop project is with nodeJS with express on the backend and reactJS with tailwind on the frontend. the purpose of the website is to demonstrate how a webshop built for a customer can look like. as a new user you can register with your'e email and choose a password, log in and start shopping. in this particular webshop we are selling beds and madresses, but the same logic could be applied to any type of merchandise. when finsishing your order you will be given an unique orderID, evrything is stored on database on mongoDB Atlas make sure to write in the connection string, inside the .env file.

Get Started

  1. Open up a terminal and type cd webshop_api_react then type npm install.

  2. when the installing process is done type cd webshop_api_react then cd client npm run dev

  3. Open a new terminal and type webshop_api_react then cd server npm start.

  4. Write in the connection string for mongoDB Atlas inside the .env file.