alemesa / mac-setup

Repository for all my configuration settings
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link


This setup is heavily sided to a web development setup specifically React and NodeJS.

This was tested on MacOS High Sierra.


Start Here Please

First thing you need to do, on any OS actually, is update the system! For that: Apple Icon > About This Mac then Software Update....

"Quality of Life" changes:

👇🏼 Settings


Better Fonts for Development

I like these fonts:

Visit Nerd Fonts They have a long list of good programming fonts (Hot Tip: 🔥)

Operator Mono has cursive ligatures and Fira Code contains operator ligatures, to install just double clicked them and Font Book will open up.


Epic Better Console

Paste on a terminal to install Oh-My-Zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Powerline-Fonts

# clone
git clone --depth=1
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts

Download Cobalt2-iterm from here

Follow these instructions:

  1. Drop the cobalt2.zsh-theme file in to the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.
  2. Open up your ZSH preferences at ~/.zshrc and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME=cobalt2.
  3. In iTerm2 access the Preferences pane on the Profiles tab.
  4. Under the Colors tab import the cobalt2.itermcolors file via the Load Presets drop-down.
  5. Under the Text tab change the font for each type (Regular and Non-ASCII) to 'Inconsolata for Powerline'. (Refer to the powerline-fonts repo for help on font installation.)
  6. Refresh ZSH by typing source ~/.zshrc on the command line.

👇🏼 Screenshot of iTerm2 with ZSH + Inconsolata for Powerline


Package Manager for OSX

Find the documentation and manual install here Homebrew.

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
brew install mas
mas signin
touch ~/brewfile
## Required to install almost every app
tap 'caskroom/cask'

# Essentials
brew 'git'          # Essential
brew 'node'         # Essential comes with npm
brew 'heroku'       # Cloud Based Paas
brew 'git-lfs'      # Git Big Files Transfer
brew 'yarn'         # npm on 💊
brew 'zsh-completions'
brew 'tree'         # Tree Command
brew 'youtube-dl'   # Download Youtube - Udemy

# Browsers
# cask 'google-chrome' # Browser Installed at the beginning
cask 'firefox'       # Browser

# Coding Essentials
cask 'visual-studio-code'   # Awesomeness 🎆 💻 🎆
cask 'github-desktop'       # Git GUI
cask 'sublime-text'         # Ultra fast 🏃

# Design Essentials
cask 'sketch'        # Epic design tool
cask 'noun-project'  # Free icons

# MAC Quality of life
cask 'rocket'        # Emojis on 💊
cask 'alfred'        # Spotlight on 💊
cask 'spectacle'     # Windows Rearrangment

# Utilities
cask 'spotify'       # Music
cask 'slack'         # Chat - Work
cask 'discord'       # Chat - Games
cask 'whatsapp'      # Chat - Personal
cask 'flux'          # Eyes Health
cask 'adobe-acrobat-reader'    # PDF Reader
cask 'transmission'  # Torrents Manager   
cask 'postman'       # Api Requests
cask 'calibre'       # E-Books Manager

# Cloud
cask 'dropbox'                 # Dropbox Cloud  
cask 'google-backup-and-sync'  # Google Cloud

# Coding Utilities
cask 'sequel-pro'    # SQL
cask 'vlc'           # Videos
cask 'filezilla'     # FTP

# Others
mas 'Amphetamine' id: 937984704 # Stop Mac from sleeping
mas 'Parcel - Delivery Tracking' id: 639968404 # Delivery Tracking
mas 'Pocket', id: 568494494 # Saved articles
mas 'Skitch - Snap. Mark up. Share.', id: 425955336 # Markup tools
mas 'Dr. Cleaner: Disk,Memory,System Optimizer', id: 921458519 # Clean memory and space 
mas 'GIPHY Capture. The GIF Maker', id: 668208984 # Capture Gifs + Captions
mas 'Trello', id: 1278508951 # Task Manager

Feel free to add or remove apps

Find the apps either on the Cask Search Website or use this on the console

brew cask search <package>

or use this to find apps with Mas on the console

mas search slack
brew bundle install



touch ~/.bash_profile

Add useful alias

alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew prune; brew cleanup; brew doctor'

Restart bash profile and run brewup

source ~/.bash_profile

Now you can run every often and it will update homebrew packages


Configure Git and Aliases

touch ~/.gitconfig
git config --global "First Last"
git config --global "Email"
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

Typical .gitconfig will look like this, be free to remove aliases

    name = First Last
    email =
    user = username
    a = add
    ca = commit -a
    cam = commit -am
    s = status
    pom = push origin master
    pog = push origin gh-pages
    puom = pull origin master
    puog = pull origin gh-pages
    cob = checkout -b
    helper = osxkeychain
Generate a new SSH Key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

Add the key to your Github Account

Add the DS_Store to your gitignore

# specify a global exclusion list
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
# adding .DS_Store to that list
echo .DS_Store >> ~/.gitignore

Or add this gitignore file mantained by Github to your gitignore

I also like to keep my alias on the .zshrc file

Open ~/.zshrc with code ~/.zshrc

Restart with source ~/.zshrc

These are my aliases

alias zshconfig="code ~/.zshrc" # Modify this file
alias bashconfig="code ~/.bash_profile"
alias cd..="cd .." # Most Important Alias
alias batcave="cd ~/Dropbox/batcave" # Side Projects
alias jobcave="cd ~/Projects" # 8hrs Job Projects
alias rm="trash"
alias gitlog="git log --oneline --decorate --all --graph"
alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew prune; brew cleanup; brew doctor' # Quick House Cleaning
alias youtube-dl='youtube-dl -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s' # Donwload without id
alias python="python3"
alias pip="pip3"
alias herokupush="git commit -am 'updating';git push; git push heroku master"


Best Code Editor

The most effective way to do this is by using Settings-Sync Extension, if you haven't I highly recommend it, they way it works is by saving all your config which includes your settings, plugins, themes and snippets into your Github gist and then pulls all the data and install everything.

Find my config here including the UserSettings.json

Open VSCode and type "shell command" and add to the PATH. Close VSCODE, restart Terminal , now you can use any project with this

code \directory\to\open

I like many themes for VSCode but my favorite is Sublime Material Theme

👇🏼 Screenshot of Visual Studio Code with Sublime Material Theme + Operator Mono

Some extensions I can't live without:

  1. [Seti Icons]()
  2. [Auto-Open Markdown Preview]()
  3. [Color Highlight]()
  4. [ESLint]()
  5. [Guides]()
  6. [Import Cost]()
  7. [npm Intellisense]()
  8. [Prettier]()
  9. [Sublime Babel]()
  10. [Terminal]()

Themes I like besides Sublime Material Theme

  1. [Dracula]()
  2. [Cobalt2]()


Second Best Code Editor

Go here

👇🏼 Screenshot of Sublime Text 3 + Operator Mono + Material Theme



brew update # Always good to do
brew install mysql
unset TMPDIR
mkdir /usr/local/var
mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp


curl -o- | bash
nvm install node
nvm use node
node -v

To do so, add this line to your ~/.path file, before the export PATH line:


npm Usage

npm Commands:

npm install <package>    # Install locally
npm install -g <package> # Install globally
npm install <package> --save # Save to a package.json file
npm list                # What's installed Locally
npm list -g             # what's installed Globally
npm outdated [-g]       # Find outdated packages    
npm update [<package>]  # Upgrade particular package
npm uninstall <package> # Uninstall Packages

npm Goodies

alias trash="rm -r" 
npm install trash


Let's install Jekyll for Github Pages

gem install jekyll # might need to run it with sudo
bundle update jekyll
gem update jekyll

To start a project

jekyll build # current folder will get generated inside ./_site
jekyll serve # start development


Follow this guide




Follow this guide and then select a theme on the Author Settings tab inside the Chrome Dev Tools. I'm using the Default Theme with Fira Code font and 13px size. Small change but it makes the code more readable.



Raspberry Fun

brew install python

It also installed pip (and its dependency Setuptools), which is the package manager for Python. Let's upgrade them both:

$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade pip


Heroku is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that simplifies deploying your apps online.


Assuming that you have an Heroku account (sign up if you don't), let's install the Heroku Client for the command-line using Homebrew.

brew install heroku/brew/heroku
npm install -g heroku-cli

The formula might not have the latest version of the Heroku Client, which is updated pretty often. Let's update it now:

heroku update

Don't be afraid to run heroku update every now and then to always have the most recent version.


Login to your Heroku account using your email and password:

heroku login

If this is a new account, and since you don't already have a public SSH key in your ~/.ssh directory, it will offer to create one for you. It will also upload the key to your Heroku account, which will allow you to deploy apps from this computer.

If it didn't offer create the SSH key for you (i.e. your Heroku account already has SSH keys associated with it), you can do so manually by running:

mkdir ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa

Keep the default file name and skip the passphrase by just hitting Enter both times. Then, add the key to your Heroku account:

heroku keys:add


Once your keys are in place and you are authorized, you're ready to deploy apps. Heroku has a getting started guide. Heroku uses Git to push code for deployment, so make sure your app is under Git version control.

A cheat sheet for deployment:

cd myapp/
heroku create myapp
git push heroku master
heroku ps
heroku logs -t

The Heroku Dev Center is where you will find more information.


Inspired by these posts: