alesaccoia / VoiceStreamAI

Near-Realtime audio transcription using self-hosted Whisper and WebSocket in Python/JS
MIT License
552 stars 73 forks source link
ai speech-recognition speech-to-text websocket


License: MIT

VoiceStreamAI is a Python 3 -based server and JavaScript client solution that enables near-realtime audio streaming and transcription using WebSocket. The system employs Huggingface's Voice Activity Detection (VAD) and OpenAI's Whisper model (faster-whisper being the default) for accurate speech recognition and processing.


Demo Video

Demo Client

Client Demo

Running with Docker

This will not guide you in detail on how to use CUDA in docker, see for example here.

Still, these are the commands for Linux:

distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
&& curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
&& curl -s -L$distribution/libnvidia-container.list | \
sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list

sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker

sudo systemctl restart docker

You can build the container image with:

sudo docker build -t voicestreamai .

After getting your VAD token (see next sections) run:

sudo docker volume create huggingface_models

sudo docker run --gpus all -p 8765:8765 -v huggingface_models:/root/.cache/huggingface  -e PYANNOTE_AUTH_TOKEN='VAD_TOKEN_HERE' voicestreamai

The "volume" stuff will allow you not to re-download the huggingface models each time you re-run the container. If you don't need this, just use:

sudo docker run --gpus all -p 8765:8765 -e PYANNOTE_AUTH_TOKEN='VAD_TOKEN_HERE' voicestreamai

Normal, Manual Installation

To set up the VoiceStreamAI server, you need Python 3.8 or later and the following packages:

  1. transformers
  2. pyannote.core
  4. websockets
  5. asyncio
  6. sentence-transformers
  7. faster-whisper

Install these packages using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For the client-side, you need a modern web browser with JavaScript support.

Configuration and Usage

Server Configuration

The VoiceStreamAI server can be customized through command line arguments, allowing you to specify components, host, and port settings according to your needs.

For running the server with the standard configuration:

  1. Obtain the key to the Voice-Activity-Detection model at
  2. Run the server using Python 3.x, please add the VAD key in the command line:
python3 -m src.main --vad-args '{"auth_token": "vad token here"}'

You can see all the command line options with the command:

python3 -m src.main --help

Client Usage

  1. Open the client/index.html file in a web browser.
  2. Enter the WebSocket address (default is ws://localhost:8765).
  3. Configure the audio chunk length and offset. See below.
  4. Select the language for transcription.
  5. Click 'Connect' to establish a WebSocket connection.
  6. Use 'Start Streaming' and 'Stop Streaming' to control audio capture.

Technology Overview

Technical Overview


Factory and Strategy patterns

Both the VAD and the ASR components can be easily extended to integrate new techniques and use models with a different interface than HuggingFace pipelines. New processing/chunking strategies can be added in, and used by the specific clients setting the "processing_strategy" key in the config.

Voice Activity Detection (VAD)

Voice Activity Detection (VAD) in VoiceStreamAI enables the system to distinguish between speech and non-speech segments within an audio stream. The primary purpose of implementing VAD is to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the speech-to-text process:

VoiceStreamAI uses a Huggingface VAD model to ensure reliable detection of speech in diverse audio conditions.

Processing Strategy "SilenceAtEndOfChunk"

The buffering strategy is designed to balance between near-real-time processing and ensuring complete and accurate capture of speech segments. Here’s how buffering is managed:

Buffering Mechanism

Client-Specific Configuration Messaging

In VoiceStreamAI, each client can have a unique configuration that tailors the transcription process to their specific needs. This personalized setup is achieved through a messaging system where the JavaScript client sends configuration details to the Python server. This section explains how these configurations are structured and transmitted.

The client configuration can include various parameters such as language preference, chunk length, and chunk offset. For instance:

Transmitting Configuration

  1. Initialization: When a client initializes a connection with the server, it can optionally send a configuration message. This message is a JSON object containing key-value pairs representing the client's preferred settings.

  2. JavaScript Client Setup: On the demo client, the configuration is gathered from the user interface elements (like dropdowns and input fields). Once the Audio starts flowing, a JSON object is created and sent to the server via WebSocket. For example:

function sendAudioConfig() {
    const audioConfig = {
        type: "config",
        data: {
            chunk_length_seconds: 5,
            chunk_offset_seconds: 1,
            processing_strategy: 1,
            language: language,


When implementing a new ASR, Vad or Buffering Strategy you can test it with:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
ASR_TYPE=faster_whisper python -m unittest test.server.test_server

Please make sure that the end variables are in place for example for the VAD auth token. Several other tests are in place, for example for the standalone ASR.

Areas for Improvement

Challenges with Small Audio Chunks in Whisper

Dependence on Audio Files

Currently, VoiceStreamAI processes audio by saving chunks to files and then running these files through the models.


Fork and clone this repository. Install dependencies and related tools.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
npm install -g jshint@2.13.6 eslint@8.57.0

Add your modifications to the repository and run code style checks manually, or integrate them into your IDE/editor.

# For Python
flake8 src/ test/
black --line-length 79 src/ test/
isort src/ test/

# For JavaScript
jshint client/*.js
eslint client/*.js

Finally, push and create a pull request.


This project is open for contributions. Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.