alex-peck / monarch-amazon-sync

A chrome extension to sync Amazon order details to Monarch
MIT License
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Failure to sync to Monarch after 2/15 update. #14

Open conyerbd opened 4 months ago

conyerbd commented 4 months ago

Looks like something broke with the new update Monarch pushed out. Getting the following error when trying to sync.

Fetching Monarch transactions TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'allTransactions') at te (chrome-extension://eafiodpcmkckfdolemicjcihfmaahnoa/src/pages/background/index.js:33:34) at async G (chrome-extension://eafiodpcmkckfdolemicjcihfmaahnoa/src/pages/background/index.js:33:3204) at async K (chrome-extension://eafiodpcmkckfdolemicjcihfmaahnoa/src/pages/background/index.js:33:1993)

msanity commented 3 months ago

Getting the same error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'allTransactions') at te (chrome-extension://dmgnmkkbnoljphackmcefkebnjgnjdcd/src/pages/background/index.js:33:34) at async G (chrome-extension://dmgnmkkbnoljphackmcefkebnjgnjdcd/src/pages/background/index.js:33:3204) at async K (chrome-extension://dmgnmkkbnoljphackmcefkebnjgnjdcd/src/pages/background/index.js:33:1993)

acrossen commented 1 week ago

Triple-tapping on this; same error here. Seems to download Amzon transactions fine, errors out as above, then summarizes the error on the home screen:
