alex-peck / monarch-amazon-sync

A chrome extension to sync Amazon order details to Monarch
MIT License
38 stars 3 forks source link

Monarch / Amazon Sync

What is this?

A simple Chrome extension to sync Amazon purchases with Monarch transactions. Transactions in Monarch that match the time and amount of an Amazon purchase will have a note created in Monarch with the Amazon item details.

This will allow easy categorization of Amazon purchases in Monarch without the need to go back and forth from Amazon to Monarch figure out what you bought.



[!WARNING] This should be considered a BETA and therefore I have made the decision to not release it to the Chrome store yet. I've tested it pretty well but it may cause untold harm to your Monarch transactions! I recommend downloading a copy of your Monarch transactions before using this!

  1. Download the latest release zip ( from the releases page
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions
  4. Enable developer mode
  5. Click "Load unpacked" and select the unzipped folder

How to use

  1. Once the extension is installed, it will check if you are logged in to your Amazon account. Make sure you are logged in!
  2. Open Monarch in your browser. This will allow the extension to grab the necessary API key from the page. After that you shouldn't need to keep the page open.

Daily sync

  1. Turn on "Sync"
  2. Every day, the extension will check for new Amazon purchases and sync them to Monarch.
  3. Optionally, use "Force sync" to manually sync purchases.


  1. Choose "Manual backfill"
  2. Pick a year to backfill
  3. Optionally run in "dry-run" mode to create a CSV of what changes will be made before actually making them.

Known limitations




This repo isn't currently setup very well for contributions. Feel free to submit a PR and if there is interest I may improve the tooling.


Built off of chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite