alex5250 / esp32-audio-link

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Project Aim

The project aim is to create an simple system using two esp32 that will send raw ie802.11 frames and transmit audio. The maximum baudrate between two esp32 is around 12Mb/s with ideal signal that means we can use redundant baudrate to improve audio quality and stability.

Current tools in use

  1. esp32 idf verison 4.3 / 4.4.7
  2. VsCode with esp32 plugin
  3. Debian 12 / Manjaro Linux
  4. Arduino IDE for reciver (will change soon)


Hardware in use

  1. esp32-LyraT-Mini two boards image
  2. two ac9271 WI-FI adapters image
    Too be continued....


FLIR00011 FLIR00013 FLIR00014 FLIR00015