alexCajas / esp8266RTOSArduCore

This project delivers an Arduino core for the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK, a light version of FreeRTOS supported by espressif. Notably, it shares the same framework as the ESP32 Arduino core, ensuring compatibility with libraries designed for the ESP32 arduino core and advanced multitasking capabilities.
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 2 forks source link
arduino arduino-core concurrent-programming esp32-arduino esp8266 esp8266-arduino esp8266-rtos esp8266-rtos-arducore esp8266-rtos-sdk freertos idf-framework multithreading

Esp8266 Arduino C++ FreeRTOS RTOS framework [compatibility]() Release


Arduino core for ESP8266_RTOS_SDK, a light version of FreeRTOS, supported by espressif.

RTO_SDK share the same framework with esp-idf [], so this project is based on esp32 arduino core [], (version 1.0.6), to provide compatibility between esp32 arduino libraries and this core.






You can install this core using arduino board manager with this package index Release :

Then you need to install esp8266_RTOS_SDK requirements in your system:

cd ~/.arduino15/packages/esp8266RTOS/hardware/esp8266RTOS/1.0.1/ 
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Online code generation tool


You can install this core using arduino board manager with this package index Release :

Online code generation tool


Online code generation tool

Online code generation tool

Online code generation tool Now you are ready to write and install sketchs using Arduino IDE or VScode IDE!



idf building proccess is tipicall more slow in windows than linux distributions, I recomend you to use a Linux distribution like ubuntu to develop with this core and idf projects in general.

How esp8266_rtos_sdk use msys2 to build and flash projects, there are limitations with arduino:

Online code generation tool

Online code generation tool




define LED_BUILTIN 2


// define two tasks for Blink void TaskBlink( void *pvParameters );

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() {

// initialize serial communication at 115200 bits per second: Serial.begin(115200);

// Now set up tasks to run independently. xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( TaskBlink , "TaskBlink" // A name just for humans , 1024 // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater , NULL , 2 // Priority, with 3 (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1) being the highest, and 0 being the lowest. , NULL , ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE); // in esp8266 allways is 0

// Now the task scheduler, which takes over control of scheduling individual tasks, is automatically started. }

void loop() { // do nothing. }

void TaskBlink(void *pvParameters) { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);

while (true) // A Task shall never return or exit. { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(500)); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(500)); } }

* More examples in 


![Online code generation tool](assets/img/examples.png)

# Limitations


* The compatibility between libraries of esp8266ArduinoCore based on NONOSDK, and this core, esp8266RTOSArduCore based on FreeRTOS is limited, in general you can use the same esp8266ArduinoCore libraries that have compatibily with esp32 arduino core. 

* It is assumed that external third-party-libaries are in ~/Arduino/libraries.

* ~~There is not supported to recursive includes to external libraries, all libraries you need must be includes in your .ino scketch~~

* libraries or utilities for specific hardware of esp32, like bluetooth or hall sensor is not supported in this core.

* set compile option is not supported yet.

* for now only support generic board esp8266 pins map, that is only for the way to name gpios pin in scketchs. You can install scketchs in others boards using generic name of gipo pins.  

* It is not supported changes deboug level info from IDE yet, you need to changes it manually in esp32-hal-log.h

# To Do List

- [x] Implement way to resolve recursive includes.
- [ ] Rewrite paltafrom.txt to give support to compile options. 
- [ ] Add esp8266 boards configurations in boards.txt
- [ ] Add pins map support for more models of esp8266 boards.
- [x] Changes bash scripts to python scripts to support more OS.
- [ ] adapt, test and fix remaining core files with hardware dependencies of esp32 core. [See this section]( 
- [ ] Test and fix remaining basic libraries of esp32 core. [See this section](
- [ ] Think in add #if TARGET_CONF_esp32 to more compatibility. --> I think that is a good idea because RTOS is more ligth than FreeRtos.

# List of core files to adapt test and fix

- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-adc.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-i2c.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-i2c-slave.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-psram.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-sigmadelta.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-spi.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-time.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-timer.c
- [ ]  core/esp8266/Tone.cpp
- [ ]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-tinyusb.c ?
- [x]  core/esp8266/base64.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/cbuf.cpp  
- [x]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-time.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-cpu.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-gpio.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-misc.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/esp32-hal-uart.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/Esp.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/FunctionalInterrupt.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/HardwareSerial.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/IPAddress.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/IPv6Address.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/libb64/cdecode.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/libb64/cencode.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/main.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/MD5Builder.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/Print.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/stdlib_noniso.c
- [x]  core/esp8266/Stream.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/StreamString.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/wiring_pulse.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/wiring_shift.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/WMath.cpp
- [x]  core/esp8266/WString.cpp

# List of basic libraries to Test and fix

- [x] WiFi
- [x] EmbeddedMqttBroker
- [x] WrapperFreeRTOS
- [x] WebServer
- [x] WiFiClientSecure
- [x] WiFiProv
- [x] HTTPClient
- [ ] HttpUpdate
- [ ] HttpUPdateServer
- [x] DNSServer
- [x] ESPmDNS
- [ ] AyncUDP?
- [ ] Update
- [ ] ArduinoOta
- [ ] EEPROM
- [x] ESP[32|8266] examples
- [ ] FFat
- [ ] FS
- [ ] NetBios
- [ ] Preferences?
- [ ] SD
- [ ] SDMMC?
- [ ] SPI
- [ ] SPIFFS
- [ ] Ticker
- [ ] Wire

# License

* esp8266_RTOS_SDK is under Apache-2.0 license.

# Links of interest

* [Official repo of esp8266 RTOS SDK](
* [Esp8266 rtos sdk docu](
* [esp32 arduino core repo](
* [Esp8266 arduino comunity](