This skill demonstrates how to build a private Alexa skill to access Salesforce data. It includes using account linking, via a connected app in Salesforce, along with a voice code confirmation process that stores the code as a custom setting in Salesforce. Then, you can access opportunities and make updates to them using your voice.
This is a NodeJS Lambda function and skill defintion to be used by ASK CLI.
You need to initialize ASK CLI with
$ ask init
You need an AWS account and an Amazon developer account to create an Alexa Skill.
In order to use the ASK CLI features to automatically deploy and manage your Lambda skill, ensure that you have AWS credentials set up with the appropriate permissions on the computer to which you are installing ASK CLI, as described in Set Up Credentials for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account.
Clone or download this repository. Then you need to download NodeJS dependencies :
$ (cd lambda/custom && npm install)
You need a Salesforce Trailhead Playground.
Together, we'll build a skill that is invoked with the name Salesforce Demo.
Alexa, open Salesforce Demo
Let's get started!