alexander-stolz / limioptic

A tool to perform and visualize ion optic calculations. For more information visit
6 stars 1 forks source link

Easy installation:

Python version >=3.7,<3.10 required. 3.8 is used in this example.

WINDOWS: Shared dlls are 32 bit only, so 32 bit version of python is required.

using pipx

  1. install pipx: python3.8 -m pip install pipx --user
  2. install limioptic: pipx install limioptic
  3. start limioptic from everywhere with limioptic


  1. python3.8 -m pipenv shell
  2. pipenv install limioptic
  3. limioptic or pipenv run limioptic


  1. poetry init
  2. Python version >=3.7,<3.10
  3. poetry add limioptic
  4. limioptic or poetry run limioptic

globally (the messy way)

  1. python3.8 -m pip install limioptic
  2. limioptic or python -m limioptic

you can also run limioptic as a module

The source code in this repo will be updated soon. At the moment the master branch contains huge blobs. So keep that in mind before cloning. git-filter-branch will come to the rescue soon ;)


A short introducion can be found at


The program LIMIOPTIC maintained by Alexander Stolz is freely available and distributable. However, if you use it for some work whose results are made public, then you have to reference it properly.