alexander-yakushev / ns-graph

Tool for drawing the dependencies between Clojure namespaces and Java classes.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
58 stars 3 forks source link

** Requirements

** Usage

*** One-liner (with Boot)

Navigate to the project and execute:

: boot -d ns-graph draw -s src/

This will create a file =graph.png= in your current directory.

You can view all available options with =boot -d ns-graph draw -h=. Here are
a few that need a description:

- =-s, --source-paths PATH= --- you can specify multiple paths to source
  files by writing =-s PATH= for each path.
- =-f, --format VAL= --- can be either =png= or =svg=.
- =-x, --exclude MASK= --- don't draw a certain namespace/class or a group
  of them (if mask is used). The only type of masks supported is a string
  with wildcard in the end (e.g. =java.*=). Multiple exclusions can be
  specified by providing =-x MASK= several times.
- =-i, --include MASK= --- opposite to =-x=, explicitly include certain
  namespaces/classes. Has higher priority than =-x=.
- =-t, --title VAL= --- can be one of =name=, =name-and-opts=,
  =name-and-pprint-opts=. Customizes what the graph title (bottom label)
  will contain.
- =-o, --only-own= --- draw only namespaces/classes that were found in
  source paths.
- =-p, --only-packages= --- draw only Java packages instead of classes.
- =-a, --abbrev-ns= --- abbreviate the package part of the names. E.g.
  =clojure.core.async= becomes =c.c.async=.
- =-c, --cluster-lang= --- draw Clojure and Java files in two separate
  subgraph clusters.
- =-v, --view BIN= --- don't produce the output file, but show the resulting
  image with the BIN application.
- =--debug= --- save the file alongside the image.

*** As a task in Boot

Put the following into your =build.boot=:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure

(set-env! ... :dependencies '[... [ns-graph "x.y.z"]])

(require '[ns-graph :refer [draw]])

(task-options! draw {:name "My project" :abbrev-ns true :source-paths (get-env :source-paths) :exclude ["java." "clojure."]})


You can also compose it with another tasks:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure

(comp (draw :name "My project" ...) ...)


Names of the options are the same as the long names in the [[#one-liner-with-boot][shell command]].

*** As a Leiningen plugin.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defproject myproject "..."
  :plugins [ns-graph "x.y.z"]
  :ns-graph {:name "My project"
             :abbrev-ns true
             :source-paths (get-env :source-paths)
             :exclude ["java.*" "clojure.*"]})

Names of the options are the same as the long names in the [[#one-liner-with-boot][shell command]].

Finally execute =lein ns-graph= from your project's directory.

*** As a library

Call [[][ns-graph.core/depgraph*]] function with the map of options.

** License

Copyright © 2016 Alexander Yakushev. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See [[LICENSE][LICENSE]].