This is a Rust project that uses the PokeAPI to create a Pokedex. It allows users to select a Pokemon type and view all Pokemon of that type. It also provides information about each Pokemon, including their name, type, and default/shiny images. The project uses the Dioxus framework for the frontend.
To run the project, use the following command:
dx serve
Dioxus: A Rust framework for building web applications Reqwest: A Rust crate for making HTTP requests Serde: A Rust crate for serializing and deserializing data PHF: A Rust crate for creating perfect hash functions
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is currently in development. The next steps are to add more information about each Pokemon, including their stats, abilities, and moves. I also plan to add a search feature that allows users to search for a specific Pokemon by name.