alexanderlavrushko / BLE-HUD-navigation-ESP32

Shows navigation instructions received from the phone (e.g. "After 200m turn right")
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Have Application Android BLE HUD ? #5

Open huukhoa1412 opened 3 years ago

huukhoa1412 commented 3 years ago

Have Application Android BLE HUD ?

alexanderlavrushko commented 3 years ago

No, Android application is not available yet. It's still in progress.

The only way to check the connection on Android is to manually send the data:

  1. Download BLE utility app, for example LightBlue for Android
  2. Run ESP32 BLE HUD
  3. Using BLE utility app, scan for devices, connect to a device with name "ESP32 HUD"
  4. Find the service with UUID DD3F0AD1-6239-4E1F-81F1-91F6C9F01D86
  5. In the service, find the characteristic DD3F0AD3-6239-4E1F-81F1-91F6C9F01D86
  6. Write HEX value to that characteristic: 01 32 0A 31 6D

Now ESP32 should show these values: turn right, speed limit 50, text "1m". More info about format in Technical info, see also DataConstants.h

modi12jin commented 1 year ago

Hi, I see HUD display in this repo, this might be the answer.


modi12jin commented 1 year ago

modi12jin commented 2 weeks ago

huukhoa1412 commented 2 weeks ago

thank you