alexanderlavrushko / BLE-HUD-navigation-ESP32

Shows navigation instructions received from the phone (e.g. "After 200m turn right")
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bluetooth-low-energy esp32-ttgo nrf51822

Bluetooth Low Energy head-up display


How it works

The application on the phone sends instructions to ESP32 using Bluetooth Low Energy:

Application iOS

Currently the only compatible application is available on iOS: Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps

To enable BLE HUD in the app (it's an unofficial prototype feature):


Supported ESP32 modules

Technical info

  1. Connection flow:
    1. Central (the application on the phone) scans for a Peripheral with wanted service UUID (see Table of UUIDs) - it's going to be our ESP32
    2. The application connects to the first found device
  2. Sending instruction:
    1. Central writes new data to the characteristic (see Table of UUIDs) as soon as the data changes (current speed limit or an instruction)
    2. Data example: 0x01320A3335306D, meaning: basic data (0x01), current speed limit is 50km/h (0x32), turn right (0x0A) in 350m (0x3335306D, not null-terminated string)
    3. If the app doesn't send an update for a few seconds, ESP32 sends an empty indication (see Table of UUIDs), letting the app know that it wants a data update

Table of UUIDs

Service DD3F0AD1-6239-4E1F-81F1-91F6C9F01D86
Characteristic for indicate DD3F0AD2-6239-4E1F-81F1-91F6C9F01D86
Characteristic for data write DD3F0AD3-6239-4E1F-81F1-91F6C9F01D86

TTGO T-Display

To enable TTGO T-Display:

  1. Download library TFT_eSPI adjusted by TTGO, copy TFT_eSPI folder to Arduino/libraries
  2. Uncomment display in code
    // comment out these lines 
    #include "OLED_SSD1351_nolib.h"
    OLED_SSD1351_nolib selectedDisplay;
    constexpr bool ENABLE_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT = false;

// uncomment these lines //#include "TFT_TTGO.h" //TFT_TTGO selectedDisplay; //constexpr bool ENABLE_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT = true;

### Display OLED 128x128
Display: Waveshare 14747 128x128 OLED RGB ([link](

Protocol: SSD1351

*Note: there is a great graphics library for this display: [Adafruit-SSD1351-library](, but it's not used in this project.*

Connected this way:
ESP32 | Display WS14747
----- | ---------------
G23 | DIN
G18 | CLK
G5 | CS
G17 | DC
G16 | RST

![Display connection](/images/IMG_Display_connection.jpg)