alexandreroman / rambi

Demo project showcasing Spring AI to generate movie plots
Apache License 2.0
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Project Rambi

[!WARNING] Do not use this project in a production environment. Use this repository for demo purpose only.

Rambi is a mashup of movie titles from "Rambo" and "Bambi". Using Rambi, you can generate movie plots from user prompts, merging storylines from a movie database.

What would Rambo do if he encountered Bambi in the deep forest?

AI generated movie poster for Rambi (fake movie)

The implementation relies on GenAI tools that you can run on your workstation.


Contributions are always welcome!

Feel free to open issues & send PR.


Copyright © 2024 Broadcom, Inc. or its affiliates.

This project is licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/generate/image -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"generatedMovie":{"title":"Rambi","plot":"The story of a young deer growing up in the forest. The pet defends the forest with an yellow umbrella and wears the red headband"}}'

mvn spring-boot:run

Dataset URL