alexbakker / github-artifact-proxy

A caching proxy for GitHub Actions build artifacts
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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github-artifact-proxy build

github-artifact-proxy is a caching proxy for GitHub Actions build artifacts. It exposes an HTTP service through which you can access the latest build artifacts, based on configurable criteria (status, branch, etc.). The service downloads the artifact, extracts the ZIP file and serves the requested file.

It only hits the GitHub API once to fetch the requested artifact. Any subsequent requests for the same artifact are served from the cache.

Use cases:

This service currently works best for fairly small artifacts, because it first has to download and extract them, before serving the files to the requester.


The service takes a couple of command line arguments:

Usage of github-artifact-proxy:
  -config string
        the filename of the configuration file (required)
  -download-dir string
        the directory to download artifacts to (required)
  -github-api-cache-ttl duration
        the duration after which cached GitHub API responses are invalidated (default 5m0s)
  -http-addr string
        the adddress the HTTP server should listen on (required)
  -http-base-path string
        the base path prefixed to all URL paths (default "/")


The config file specifies a list of "targets" for which github-artifact-proxy will accept requests and serve artifacts. Each target is accessible through: /targets/<target_name>/runs/<run_id>/artifacts/<artifact_name>/<file_name>.

If you'd like to access to latest artifact for a target, pass "latest" as the run_id.

  pat: ghp_your-access-token-here
    # Required: A GitHub API token with at least the "public_repo" scope
    token: pat
    # Required: The username of the user who owns the repository
    owner: alexbakker
    # Required: The name of the repository
    repo: menta
    # Required: The workflow filename
    filename: build.yaml
    # Optional filter to apply when "latest" is passed as the workflow run ID
      # Optional: The branch name
      branch: master
      # Optional: The event that kicked off the workflow run
      event: push
      # Optional: The status with which the workflow run finished
      status: success

With the configuration of the "menta" target above, one would be able to access the "coverage.svg" file contained in the latest "coverage" artifact in the alexbakker/menta repository with the following URL path: /targets/menta/runs/latest/artifacts/coverage/coverage.svg.