alexboia / LivePayments-MP-WC

Credit & Debit Card WooCommerce Payment Gateway that uses the Romanian mobilPay payment processor
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
4 stars 0 forks source link
credit-cart-payment mobilpay mobilpay-card woocommerce woocommerce-payment-gateway woocommerce-plugin wordpress wordpress-plugin

LivePayments - mobilPay Card WooCommerce Payment Gateway

LivePayments is a Credit & Debit Card WooCommerce Payment Gateway that uses the Romanian mobilPay payment processor. This plugin is meant to be used by merchants in Romania.

WP compatibility PHP compatibility


  1. Is it good for you?
  2. Supported transaction statuses (actions)
  3. Downloading the plug-in
  4. Installation
  5. Setting up and configuring your plug-in
  6. Retrieving mobilPay™ security assets
  7. Gateway readiness
  8. Gateway diagnostics
  9. Screenshots
  10. Requirements
  11. Credits
  12. License

Is it good for you?

End users

This plug-in is good for you if you are any kind of merchant running a WooCommerce-powered store and want accept credit or debit card payment using the romanian mobilPay™ payment processing gateway.

WooCommerce developers

If you are a WordPress solution developer and working on implementing a WooCommerce-based store powered by this payment processing gateway, then this is the only such plug-in that allows you to customize your implementation, due to a wealth of action and filter hooks.


Supported transaction statuses (actions)

Type Description Notes
confirmed The amount has been transfered and is entering the settlement process. If the amount reported as confirmed is the same as the amount initially paid, the order may be fulfilled. Otherwise, it is placed on hold.
confirmed_pending The transaction's fraud risk is being assessed. The amount is being transfered. If everything checks out, the transaction moves to confirmed state. The order is placed on hold.
paid_pending The transaction's fraud risk is being assessed. No transfer has occured at this stage, but the amount is being reserved on the client's card. The order is placed on hold.
canceled The amount reserved on the client's card is being released. The order is marked as cancelled.
credit Amount refunded to client (partially or in full). The refunded amount is recorded in the order state. If the entire amount has been refunded, the order is marked as refunded.

Downloading the plug-in

You can get the plug-in:


  1. Using your favourite FTP client, upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/livepayments-mp-wc directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly (recommended).
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.

Setting up and configuring your plug-in

  1. Retrieve your security assets from mobilPay™'s management interface (see below).
  2. Use the WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments -> mobilPay™ Card Gateway sidebar menu item to access the plug-in configuration page.
  3. Fill in the required fields as instructed in the table below.
Option How to fill in Notes
Enable / Disable Check this box to enable mobilPay™ debit or credit card payments -
mobilPay™ Sandbox / Test Mode Check this box to conduct safe testing using mobilPay™'s sandbox (without having to perform real transactions) -
Title Any value you like, but consider telling the customer the name of the payment provider. Default: MobilPay. Payment title the customer will be seing during the check-out process
Description Any value you like, may be left empty, but it is good practice to use this field to communicate more about the payment provider / payment process. Payment description the customer will be seing during the check-out process
Seller Account ID Your merchant account identifier, as provided by mobilPay™, in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. See below
Return URL A page where your client will be redirected after completing the payment process. Absolute URL's must be used, but you can very well click Geneate it for me to let the plug-in handle everything See below
--- --- ---
mobilPay™ digital certificate for the live environment Use this field to upload the live.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.public.cer public certificate file obtained from mobilPay™. See below
The private key for the live environment Use this field to upload the live.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXprivate.key private key file obtained from mobilPay™. See below
--- --- ---
mobilPay™ digital certificate for the sandbox environment Use this field to upload the sandbox.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.public.cer public certificate file obtained from mobilPay™. See below
The private key for the sandbox environment Use this field to upload the sandbox.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXprivate.key private key file obtained from mobilPay™. See below

Retrieving mobilPay™ security assets

To retrieve the seller account ID (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX), the live public certificate file (live.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.public.cer) and the live private key file (live.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXprivate.key):

  1. Going to;
  2. Navigating to Admin -> Seller accounts -> Modify (for the seller you want to retrieve the assets) -> Security Settings tab.

To retrieve the sandbox public certificate file (sandbox.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.public.cer) and the sandbox private key file (sandbox.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXprivate.key), you must first synchronize the sandbox environment (if you have not done so yet or if you did, but your merchant account has been modified):

  1. Go to;
  2. Navigate to Admin -> Seller accounts -> Modify (for the seller you want to sync) -> General Information tab;
  3. Click the Synchronization applications (to Sandbox) button.

Then you can go on to the sandbox environment and download your sandbox assets:

  1. Go to;
  2. Navigate to Implementation -> Test Implementation;
  3. Then, in the sandbox environment, navigate to Admin -> Seller accounts -> Modify (for the seller you want to sync) -> Security Settings tab.

Return URLs

A return URL is the absolute URL (starting with the http:// or https:// thingy) to a page where your customer is being redirected after completing the payment process.
The payment gateway sends the customer here, but it is your job to set up such page to, at the very least, thank him for his business.

LivePayments-MP-WC offers a shortcode that you can embed into one of your WordPress pages (post type=page, created via Pages -> Add new): [lvdwcmc_display_mobilpay_order_status].
After that, you can copy the absolute URL (ex. of that page and place it in the Return URL field mentioned above.

However, I only mention this manual and rather unfriendly procedure because you might already have a page defined for this purpose, and just want to embed the status in it. But, if you do not, then let the plug-in handle this for you and click the Geneate it for me mentioned above, which will generate this page for you, with the following attributes:

Gateway Readiness

If the mobilPay™ card payment gateway requires further configuration, the plug-in displays a banner in which you are informed what information is needed for the gateway to be able to process payments. The banner is shown in the following places:

Below is a sample of how such a banner would look like: Sample gateway readiness banner

To disable this feature, simply set the following constant in your wp-config.php file:


Gateway Diagnostics

Similar to the Stargate, the built-in mobilPay™ card payment gateway now offers a diagnostic feature which notifies you whether and when something is wrong. The following parameters are monitored:

These checks are only being performed if the payment gateway has been configured (i.e. all the necessary information has been filled in and saved). The diagnostic messages are presented as follows:

Return URL validation

When validationg the return URL, there is also an optional check to be performed, whether or not that URL corresponds to an existing local WordPress page or post. This has been intentionally left inactive by default because, if left active by default, it might interefere with valid configurations which have either:

In a situation like this, the diagnostics feature will issue false warnings. To enable it, simply define the following constant in wp-config.php:


Customizing the warning e-mail template

The e-mail sent when some issues are found for the mobilPay™ card payment gateway is fully integrated in WooCommerce's e-mail system. As such, not only does it use the standard e-mail templates, but is also customizable: simply go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails and look for LivePayments - mobilPay Card WooCommerce Payment Gateway - Gateway diagnostics warning e-mail.


The settings screen

The settings screen

Admin order page - transaction status information

The order page - transaction status information

Thank you page content

Thank you page content

Admin transaction history

Admin transaction history

Admin transaction history - view details

Admin transaction history - view details

Admin dashboard widget

Admin dashboard widget

Frontend order page - transaction status information

Frontend order page - transaction status information

Plugin Settings page

Plugin Settings page

Plugin Diagnostics page

Plugin Diagnostics page


For running the plug-in itself

  1. PHP version 5.6.2 or greater;
  2. MySQL version 5.7 or greater;
  3. WordPress 5.0 or greater;
  4. WooCommerce 3.2.0 or greater;
  5. openssl extension;
  6. mysqli extension;
  7. mbstring - not strictly required, but recommended;
  8. zlib - not strictly required, but recommended.

For development

All of the above, with the following amendments:

  1. PHP version 5.4.0 or greater is required;
  2. xdebug extension is recommended;
  3. phpunit version 5.x installed and available in your $PATH, for running the tests;
  4. wp (wp-cli) version 2.x installed and available in your $PATH, for initializing the test environment, if needed
  5. phpcompatinfo version 5.x installed and available in your $PATH, for generating the compatibility information files
  6. cygwin, for Windows users, such as myself, for setting up the development environment, running unit tests and the build scripts, with the following requirements itself:
    • wget command;
    • curl command;
    • gettext libraries;
    • php core engine and the above-mentioned php extensions;
    • mysql command line client;
    • subversion command line client;
    • zip command.


  1. PHP-MySQLi-Database-Class - small mysqli wrapper for PHP. I used it instead of the builtin wpdb class.
  2. MimeReader - PHP mime sniffer written by Shane Thompson.
  3. Payment gateway integration libary provided by mobilPay.
  4. URI.js - JavaScript URI builder and parser.
  5. Toastr - Javascript library for non-blocking notifications.
  6. blockUI - jQuery modal view plug-in.
  7. kite - super small and simple JavaScript template engine.


The source code is published under the terms of the BSD New License licence.


I put some of my free time into developing and maintaining this plugin. If helped you in your projects and you are happy with it, you can...
