alexcoplan / sculpt

An HTML generator in Ruby. Syntax is everything.
MIT License
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Sculpt is an HTML generation tool in Ruby. It's still very early in development, so have a play around and try to break it. Take a look at the changelog file to see what's been going on lately.


gem install sculpt

How it works

Sculpt leverages two powerful features of Ruby to make it work; dynamic methods, and blocks. In a Sculpt block, you add a tag by calling a method with the desired tag name. If Sculpt doesn't have a pre-defined method for the tag that you want to use, it will generate a tag for you anyway, based on the method you tried to call. To nest tags, you use blocks.


Sculpt has four class methods which you can use to generate HTML. These are make, make_doc, render and render_doc.

make will take a block, and return HTML. render will output the result of make.

For example:

html = Sculpt.make do
    p "A paragraph"

puts html # => <p>A paragraph</p>

render saves you time by calling puts in the method:

Sculpt.render do
    p "A paragraph"
# => <p>A paragraph</p>

make_doc sets up a basic HTML document for you. As render is to make, render_doc is to make_doc:

Sculpt.render_doc do
    p "Chunky bacon."
# => <!DOCTYPE html><html><p>Chunky bacon.</p></html>

Note: as of v0.1.04, you may supply the sculpt block as a string of code instead of a block. This can be useful if you are reading code from files for example.

Nesting Tags

Sculpt uses blocks to nest tags.

Sculpt.render do
    # nest html with blocks
    div do
        p "A paragraph in a div"
# => <div><p>A paragraph in a div</p></div>

Adding attributes

Sculpt.render do
    # add attributes before blocks
    div id: :mydiv do
        p "This is a blue paragraph inside #mydiv", style:"color:blue" # or on the end of lines
# => <div id="mydiv"><p style="color:blue">This is a blue paragraph inside #mydiv</p></div>

Funky Classes

Sculpt.render do
    # old way of setting classes:
    p "Chunky Bacon", class: :info # => <p class="info">Chunky Bacon</p>

    # new way of setting classes: "Chunky Bacon" # => <p class="info">Chunky Bacon</p>

    # you can also chain them:
    a.big.shiny "Follow Me", "here" # => <a href="" class="big shiny">Follow Me</a>

    # just like css selectors.

Handy Constructors

When you call a method that isn't otherwise defined inside a Sculpt block, the method name will be assumed to be a tag, and the arguments like so:

tag_name( text, attributes, block )

What these arguments do can vary to make certain things easier, but most of the time this will be the argument format.

Sculpt has some convenient tag constructors, which make working with certain tags a lot easier. Here are some of them:

Sculpt.render do
    # the img constructor takes two args. the src, and the other attributes as a hash.
    img "my_lolcat.jpg", some: "attributes"
    # => <img src="" some="attributes">

    # the a constructor takes up to 4 (link text, href, attributes, and a block)
    a "Link text", "my_page.html", some: "attributes"
    # => <a href="" some="attributes">Link text</a>

    # the js and css constructors load js/css files in for you by argument, e.g:
    js "file1.js", "file2.js", "file3.js"
    # => <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> # etc
    css "very.css", "chunky.css", "bacon.css"
    # => <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> # etc

    # lists take arrays (optionally):
    ul ["Apple","Orange","Banana"]
    # => <ul><li>Apple</li><li>Orange</li><li>Banana</li></ul>

    # Sculpt also has static elements
    # static elements are just text (useful inside a block)
    puts "Something" # creates a static element (plain text)

Other ways of embedding tags

Inside a Sculpt block, you can call any normal method with _s appended to the end, and it will return that element as a string. This is useful if you want to combine multiple tags, but you want to do it in one line.

Sculpt.render do
     p "A paragraph with an " + a_s("unexpected link","the_page.html")
# => <p>A paragraph with an <a href="">unexpected link</a></p>

You can also call tag methods directly inside another. For example:

Sculpt.render do
    div img "lolcat.png"
# => <div><img src=""></div>

As pretty as the no-bracket syntax is, sometimes you will need them (especially when working with nested tags). For example, if you wanted to give the id "mydiv" to a div containing an img, you might do something like this:

div img "lolcat.png", id: :mydiv
# actually gives: <div><img src="" id="mydiv"></div>

Ruby assumes you're still in the img method, and sends the hash to the img method instead of div, so we simply separate the img method with brackets:

div img("lolcat.png"), id: :mydiv
# => <div id="mydiv"><img src=""></div>

An example

This example shows off some of the basic features of Sculpt. You should be comfortable with how all this works after reading the above section on usage.

require 'sculpt'

Sculpt.render_doc do
    head do
        title "Sculpt"
        js "js/jquery.js", "js/sculpt.js"
        css "css/main.css", "css/sculpt.css"
    body do
        h1 "Sculpt is an HTML generation tool in Ruby."
        p "Thanks to Ruby, look how neat the syntax is!"

        a "Link", ""

        ul ["Apple","Orange","Banana"]
        ol ["One","Two","Three"]

        p "Blue paragraph", style:"color:blue"
        div.mydiv do
            span "This span is in a div."

The output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<h1>Sculpt is an HTML generation tool in Ruby.</h1>
<p>Thanks to Ruby, look how neat the syntax is!</p>
<a href="">Link</a>
<p style="color:blue">Blue paragraph</p>
<div class="mydiv">
<span>This span is in a div.</span>


The Sculpt class itself has one option: Sculpt.pretty. This determines whether or not to print the HTML with line-breaks (in sensible places), or without any line-breaks. By default, pretty is on, but you may wish to have it generate HTML in a compressed format, in which case turn it off.

Dumping to HTML

You can convert your Sculpt code to HTML very easily. Just use something like this:

ruby my_sculpt_script.rb > my_html.html

And that will save the output of your script to the file my_html.html.


Currently, it's just me, but if anyone would like to contribute, that would be great.

Just fork and clone the repo:

git clone git://

Then make sure you can get the tests to run (it uses rspec).

cd sculpt

To run code against the source, you need to be inside the Sculpt directory, and add the option -Ilib to include the lib directory. You can then call require 'sculpt' from inside your script to load Sculpt.

For example, when inside the sculpt directory, you can run this to use sculpt in irb:

irb -Ilib
> require 'sculpt'

You can then run your own code against the source (and modify the source).

If you happen to find bugs (and they're not really obscure), I would recommend adding a test once you've fixed it. Also, for features, definitely add at least one test. If it's a big feature you're considering, just let me know before hand.

Wanted: Someone who can make this work with Rails.

Rails compatibility is probably the biggest missing feature from Sculpt at the moment. If you are familiar with the Rails internals and have an idea as to how we could better integrate Sculpt with rails, please let us know.