alexcorre / git-blame

Plugin for Atom Editor. Toggle git-blame annotations for the current file in the gutter.
MIT License
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atom atom-package javascript


Toggle git-blame annotations in Atom.

Travis apm apm



Use ctrl-b to activate blame. Alternatively, right click the file you want to blame and select Toggle Git Blame from the dropdown.


See the revision diff

Click on the revision hash in the gutter to visit the configured repository diff site. Hosts supported out of the box are:

If the remote repo has a URL we don't recognize, or if there is no remote named origin, the commit hash will be copied to the clipboard. Custom remotes can be set globally via options. See below.


Ignore White Space Diffs

If this option is selected, the git blame command will be run with -w option.

Show First Names

If this option is selected, only the first word of the author's name will be displayed. (If both Show First Names and Show Last Names are enabled, the entire author name will be displayed, regardless of whether it contains only two name parts).

Show Last Names

If this option is selected, only the last word of the author's name will be displayed. (If both Show First Names and Show Last Names are enabled, the entire author name will be displayed, regardless of whether it contains only two name parts).

Date Format String

Default date format is YYYY-MM-DD. This feature is backed by moment.js. Any formats supported by moment are valid here.

Color commit authors

If this option is selected, the commit authors will appear with a unique color to make them easily recognisable.

Custom Remote Repo Url

This plugin will first check to see if your repo is backed by GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab so nothing is required if your repo is hosted on one of these.

If its not, you can easily set a custom revision URL string like so:


The URL string should contain the following three placeholder variables wrapped in underscore template delimiters like so: <%- variable %>.

I'll use github as an example. Its already supported out of the box, but if it wasn't its custom url string would be:<%- project %>/<%- repo %>/commit/<%- revision %>

So when you clicked on hash revision 12345 in this git-blame repository, you would visit the following url:

You can also set a custom URL in your git config. If present, it will be used insted of the one in the package settings. You can add or change it with this command:

git config --local atom-git-blame.repositoryUrlTemplate "http://my_server/gitweb/?p=<%- repo %>.git;a=commit;h=<%- revision %>"

Or by edit your .git/config and add an entry like this:

    repositoryUrlTemplate = "http://my_server/gitweb/?p=<%- repo %>.git;a=commit;h=<%- revision %>"

Release History

This project uses standard-version. Commit messages should use these conventions. fix, feat, and perf commits will show in the generated upon release.