alexdunae / jackson2bears

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In terminal, get to the proper directory.

Grab the latest code from GitHub:

git pull origin master

Make sure your system files are up-to-date:


Start the development server:

bundle exec middleman server

Edit away. Everything that will typically need editing is in the source directory.

For the Work sections, edit the sitemap.yml file in the project root directory.

Preview the site at http://localhost:4567/. Press Ctrl + C in the Terminal to stop the server.

Save your changes to your local Git repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Your message goes here"

Push your changes to the shared GitHub repository:

git push origin master


Show the world

If you haven't already, make sure you have the latest code:

git pull origin master

Pre-process the stylesheets, compress the images, etc... and push it up to the server:

bundle exec middleman deploy