alexey1234 / mythebrig

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thebrig is a set of PHP pages used to create and manage FreeBSD jails on Nas4Free.

The main advantage of thebrig is that it leverages the existing webgui control and accounting mechanisms found within Nas4Free, and can be used on an embedded installation. It uses native utilities to create, start, stop, update and administer jails.

The installation of this would be accomplished by running thebrig_install script that will fetch the tarball of the necessary files from github, extract them to the install directory, and create a file /tmp/thebrig.tmp that contains the install path. Upon the extension's first run, this data would be read by the webgui, and subsequently stored in the Nas4Free XML config.

TL,DR version steps:

  1. Download
  2. Make it executable
  3. Execute it, and pass the desired destination as the argument to the script like this nas4free # /bin/sh /tmp/ /mnt/pool1/brig_folder 3

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This is clone for testing