alexf91 / lean4-ctypes

FFI for Lean 4
Apache License 2.0
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ffi lean lean4

CTypes for Lean 4

CTypes is a foreign function library for Lean 4, inspired by Python's ctypes module. It provides C compatible data types, and allows calling functions in shared libraries. It can be used to wrap these libraries in pure Lean 4.


Library functions are accessed through the Library type. It is a wrapper around dlopen() for loading a shared library and dlsym() for looking up a symbol.

The CType type represents types available in C. It contains definitions for signed and unsigned integers, floating point types, complex types, structs and pointers.

Values are represented with the CValue type. It directly matches the CType type, but also contains a value.

The low-level implementation is in the CTypes.Core namespace and implements basic types and function calls. It is a wrapper around libffi.

Basic concepts

This example calls the function pow() in the library

import CTypes
open CTypes.Core

def main (_ : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
  -- Open the library. See man page for dlopen() for flags.
  let lib ← "" .RTLD_NOW #[]

  -- Lookup the symbol `pow`.
  -- As an alternative `libm["pow"]` can be used.
  let pow ← lib.symbol "pow"

  -- Call the function with two regular `CValue` objects and no variadic arguments.
  let result ← .double #[.double 1.4142, .double 2.0] #[]

  -- The result has type `CType.double`.
  IO.println s!"result: {repr result}"

  return 0


While equivalents to basic C types exist in Lean, this is not the case for pointers. The Pointer type is used to access raw memory from Lean. They support pointer arithmetic and dereferencing.

Unless noted otherwise, the library will never allocate or free memory on its own. This has to be done by the user with malloc(), free() and similar functions.

import CTypes
open CTypes.Core

def main (_ : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
  let lib ← "" .RTLD_NOW #[]
  let malloc ← lib["malloc"]
  let free   ← lib["free"]

  -- Allocate a `int16_t` buffer.
  let p ← .pointer #[.size_t CType.int16.size] #[]
  -- Write the value.
  p.pointer!.write (.int16 42)
  -- Read back the value.
  let value ← p.pointer!.read .int16

  IO.println s!"value: {repr value}"
  -- Free the allocated buffer.
  discard <| .void #[p] #[]

  return 0


Lean functions can be called from C by creating a Closure object. Pointers to the closure can be passed to C functions or called like regular function pointers.

import CTypes
open CTypes.Core

def main (_ : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
  -- Callback functions have the signature (Array CValue) → IO CValue
  let add : Callback := fun args => do
    return .int (args[0]!.int! + args[1]!.int!)

  -- Create the closure.
  let closure ← .int #[.int, .int] add

  -- Call the function through the `` interface.
  let result ← .int #[.int 42, .int 11] #[]
  IO.println s!"42 + 11 = {!}"

  -- Closures are not deleted by default, in case a C function stores a reference.
  -- They have to be marked for deletion by the user.
  -- Deleted closures are freed when the object is garbage collected. Otherwise they
  -- leak memory.

  return 0

Structs and arrays

Structs are described as an array of types and instantiated as an array of values. There is no direct support for arrays in the CTypes.Core library. If arrays should be passed to functions, then the buffer has to be allocated with malloc(). If an array is a member of a struct, then the array can created with a struct with one value for each array element.

Arrays created this way can not be passed to functions.

Here is an example that uses callbacks and a pointer to a struct to calculate the Fibonacci sequence:

import CTypes
open CTypes.Core

def main (_ : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
  -- Fibonacci iteration with a struct as state variable.
  let fib : Callback := fun args => do
    let state ← args[0]!.pointer!.read $ .struct #[.int, .int]

    -- Get the two values from the (int, int) struct.
    let a := state.struct![0]!.int!
    let b := state.struct![1]!.int!

    -- Update the values and return the result.
    args[0]!.pointer!.write (.struct #[.int b, .int (a + b)])
    return .int a

  -- The closure object for the C function.
  let closure ← .int #[.pointer] fib

  -- Initialize the state struct to (0, 1).
  let libc ← "" .RTLD_NOW #[]
  let state ← (← libc["malloc"]).call .pointer #[.size_t (CType.struct #[.int, .int]).size] #[]
  state.pointer!.write $ .struct #[.int 0, .int 1]

  for _ in [0:8] do
    let result ← .int #[state] #[]
    IO.println $ repr result

  -- Cleanup
  discard <| (← libc["free"]).call .void #[state] #[]

  return 0

Build instructions

Building the library is still experimental and requires that the same compiler is used for code generated by the Lean compiler and the C++ files in src/. This requires setting LEAN_CC when lake is called: LEAN_CC=clang++ lake build. Only Linux systems and the clang++ compiler are currently supported.

Tests can be executed with LEAN_CC=clang++ lake exe tests.