alexgushulak / clickgenio_public

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To run the client:

Install node packages using npm

clickgenio/client:~ $ npm install

then use this command to run the vite react project

clickgenio/client:~ $ npm run client

After a success full launch you should see the localhost which can be launched by typing -o

  VITE v4.4.9

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:3000/
  ➜  press h to show help

Links to libraries:

To run the server:

Navigate to the server directory and install node packages using npm

clickgenio/server:~ $ npm install

then use this command to run the vite react project

clickgenio/server:~ $ npm run server

You should see this if the server launches properly. It will also try to do some other stuff that will not work since the infrastructure is not setup.

> server@1.0.0 server
> node server


  1. Running this project requires some infrastructure: A database (Postgres) which can be run locally.
  2. API keys for necessary functionality such as for OpenAI API calls, or Google OAuth.
  3. Certain environment variables must be set. If all the environment variables are correct, everything should run properly.