alexispascual / GreenBot

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This is the repository containing the ROS code for the GreenBot


Do catkin_make on the workspace to install the whole thing. This should create the build/ and devel/ folders.

Teleoperation (outdated)

To perform teleoperation on the GreenBot, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the command center (main PC) and the Udoo board (GreenBot computer) are in the same network and can talk to each other.

    • Figure out the IP addresses (ip a) of each computer and ping each other.
    • On GreenBot, do netcat -l <port e.g. 1234> and on the main PC, do netcat <greenbot ip address> <port>. This should allow both computers to send messages to each other.
    • Once the IP addresses of both computers, edit the and files and populate the appropriate IP addresses
  2. Source the ros_master_setup file on the main pc and Start ROS Master (source config/; roscore)

    • It will be good to do the following here: source devel/setup.bash
  3. Source the ros_node_setup file on GreenBot

    • It will be good to do the following here: source devel/setup.bash
  4. Start the script on the main PC rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

  5. Start the script on GreenBot rosrun teleop_greenbot

  6. Mash some buttons!